Montefortino: XIV Black Truffle Festival of the Sibillini Mountains | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

The black truffle of monti Sibillini (Tuber Melanosporum Vittadini) has a special taste.

The exterior of these Truffles ranges from a dark brown to deep black colour. The outside surface has a slightly rough finish, which should be quite firm to the touch, with just a hint of softness.

When sliced in half, Black Winter Truffles should demonstrate a clear white marbling on a mahogony brown to dark black background. If they are white inside, they are not mature.

Good Truffles have a rich, sensual aroma, with earthy flavours reminiscent of chocolate, vanilla, and garlic.

These Truffles have a short shelf life, ideally should be consumed within 1 week of being hunted and loose around 2 or 3 % of their body weight every day.
Black Truffles, the same variety as the French Perigord Truffles, are considered to be the finest Black Winter Truffles in the world. The Fresh Black Winter Truffles (T. Melanosporum) should not be confused with the Fresh Black Autumn Truffles (T. Uncinatum).

During the truffle festival, you can taste plenty of local truffle recipes, drink a good selection of Le Marche wines, and walk around the wonderful little medioeval town of Montefortino, enjoing a stunning mountain landscape.

Via Mariano Pallottini