Lacrima di Morro d'Alba - Tears of Joy | Good Things From Italy - Le Cose Buone d'Italia |

This wine springs from the soils of the Marche region of Italy, province of Ancona, and most precisely, the little town of Morro d’Alba. Just in this place, and in a few surrounding hamlets, grows one of Italy’s, and indeed the world’s most distinctive grapes: Lacrima (di Morro d’Alba). Those with some familiarity with Latin-rooted languages might understand “Lacrima” as “tear”, and they’d be right. The deeply colored variety is so named because its very thin skins, that upon reaching full ripening, often split, and spill their stained fructose “tears”. A pity for the grower who has to learn how to get his fruit in preferably just before the bawling starts, but those who do manage it give the drinker a rare pleasure...


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Via Mariano Pallottini