GetAtMe Lyor Cohen and Young Thug Is this a match made in heaven or .... #ItsAboutTheMusic | GetAtMe |

Lyor Cohen is an industry legend, Young Thug is on his way to being a legend.  Both come from 2 very different places and existences (both are headstrong…).  Lyor has had his successes; Young Thug has defied the odds.  Will these two men be able to respect the others path (and pathologies…).

Young Thug is like a hiphop Miles Davis as a drum part on a beat (almost like a lyrical beatbox).  His percussive style allows him and the drum loops to create symbiotic relationship that most rappers are not able to create with a beat (part of this due to instinct and the other part is the timing of today’s music…).  This innate ability to ride a beat allows Young Thug to communicate with his fans like no other artist (and believe me his fans understand him grunt by grunt.  It’s almost like a whole different language…#IveSeenIt).  So make no doubt about it, Young Thug and his fans are in one when it comes to his sound and his movement.

Lyor is an idol maker, he likes (to a degree) to shape artist politically (to enhance their marketability and images for potential deals) and sometimes musically.  Lyor will have a real challenge with this one.  Young Thug knows who he is (no matter what some New York intern’s ideas are…).

Both men are correct in their vision and their drive.  The question will be will they be able to meet in a collaborative way that will benefit both.  Thug can benefit from Lyor’s seasoning and Lyor can benefit from Thugs vision on having an awareness of today’s market feel. 

Here’s the rub although.  Young Thug fans are limited buyers and Lyor (fresh off the Fetty Wap wins) likes to market to folks who buy (a lot…).  For Thug to be attractive to those buying fans Young Thug may have to sanitize his sound (something that Thug might not want to do… #FilmAtEleven).  Anyway if this merger becomes nothing else, it will be interesting.   No one can say it’s not gonna be interesting.

