Vernon Slaughter the quiet maker of moves that laid the foundation of todays urban music scene.....R.I.P. | GetAtMe |

Luther Terry, Leroy Little, Bill Williams, Cledra White, Ted Astin, Slack Johnson, Charles Geer.  These were all Atlanta record movers from the labels.  They were the promoters.  They laid the ground work from radio to the store to the clubs.  They were the guys who created paths for hits to travel.  Monday, the man who initiated a lot of those hits that traveled down those paths died.  Vernon L. Slaughter.

Vernon Slaughter started as a rep for CBS and went on to become qne of the most powerful mover and shaker behind the Urban music scene.  To name everyone he was involved with would create a Soul Train Line from around many city blocks (believe me, it would be long).  This man at one time was the cat who had the power to make you number 1 in weeks.  He went from marketing to Legal and went on to handle many artist, performers and writer careers.  The Urban Music industry will miss Vernon Slaughter and as in classic Vernon Slaughter style he died "quietly" Monday of kidney failure."   He's survived by his sons Christopher and Micheal. and funeral arrangement are being made in Omaha Nebraska.

If you ever heard the term "the hand behind the hand", well that was Vernon Slaughter.  R.I.P. Mr Slaughter and Urban Music appreciates your service and contributions.

I'm ReggieRedd
