Solo exhibition of Syrian-Kuwait artist Shurooq Amin on view at Ayyam Gallery in London | Gender and art |

Shurooq Amin, Family Portrait 2, 2013

LONDON.- Ayyam Gallery London is presenting We’ll Build This City on Art and Love, the solo exhibition of Syrian-Kuwait artist Shurooq Amin. Recognised for her cutting-edge approach to painting, which combines diverse media in the creation of bold portraits, Amin is a prominent figure of the contemporary Kuwaiti art scene. In her latest body of work, the artist explores a wide range of social maladies, from child marriage in war-affected areas to the marginalisation of migrants in the Gulf, and the moral and material ramifications of stalled construction projects such as Silk City, which initially promised the revitalisation of Kuwait’s infrastructure.


Shurooq Amin - We’ll Build This City on Art and Love

13 November 2014 - 10 January 2015

Ayyam Gallery, London