Settings for Great Black and White with the Fuji X100s - Part II | David Knoble | Fuji X-E1 and X100(S) |

It’s a long time coming, but I wanted too finish the discussion I started about using black and white with the Fuji X100s. I extend this now to really include all the Fuji X series, including the X-Pro1 and the X-E2. If you recall from the first part I tried what others have used by increasing contrast using the red filter option. However, I didn’t like the grey rendering for some colors. Using color filters for ten years with black and white film, I used the K2 Yellow filter more than any other. I used the light green filter scone most and only rarely used the red filter. There is no question that red produces the highest contrast. However, red also passes red light through as a very light shade of gray and blue light as very dark gray. If most of your photography consists of portraits, the using the red filter will result in artificially light colored lips (red is light, remember?). Landscapes typically turn out more natural which is why the red filter is used most often in landscape work. So, what is the solution? .......

Via Thomas Menk