Shaping The Light with Karl Bratby | Richard Hurst | Fuji X-E1 and X100(S) |

On Saturday 26th July 2014 I travelled to Nottingham to attend a workshop run by local photographer Karl Bratby. The workshop was to be called “Shaping The Light” and be in his studio and based around learning to use natural and studio flash to get the most of of your images.  A lot of the top professional photographers use only one light to create their images and when done correctly can produced stunning results and this is what Karl was going to be teaching us. Karl’s studio was absolutely amazing, based on the top floor of an old converted victorian factory it was surrounded by huge glass windows with oozes of light flooding in. If Carlsberg did studios then this is what they’d come up with. Along with myself there were 5 other photographers taking part in the day and after everyone had arrived and we had all made our introductions Karl put us to work. This wasn’t going to be one of those workshops were everything is set up for you and the model put in place and you just push the shutter, oh no right from the word go Karl asked us where we thought in the studio had the best natural light coming through and told us to grab some props and compose a scene.....

Via Thomas Menk