Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being
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Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being
Investigaciones y ensayos sobre la psicología de la felicidad y el bienestar.
Research and essays about the psychology of happiness and wellbeing.
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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology Research!

Twenty eight recent & intriguing research studies on Positive Psychology

28 recent research papers on Positive Psychology, including Haridas on the importance of zest, hope & kindness for mental health, Kardos on empathic people's increased number of close friends, and Warner on the happiness boost associated with eating more fruit & vegetables.

Via Dr James Hawkins
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

28 investigaciones recientes de psicología positiva

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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology Research!

Associations between the Application of Signature Character Strengths, Health and Well-being of Health Professionals

Associations between the Application of Signature Character Strengths, Health and Well-being of Health Professionals | Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being |

(Available in free full text) Previous research has shown a positive relation between character strengths, well-being and health. The aim of this analysis was to identify relations between the application of signature character strengths (ASCS) at work, and well-being and health, among medical students (study 1) and resident physicians (study 2). We expected positive direct links between the constructs and indirect effects through emotional exhaustion. To test these hypotheses, 387 medical students in their first year and 136 resident physicians completed five scales measuring well-being, mental/ physical health, character strengths, the application of their five individual signature strengths, and emotional exhaustion as an indicator of burnout. Partial correlations were examined, and mediation analyses performed. ASCS at work was positively linked with well-being and mental health but not with physical health. All links were mediated by emotional exhaustion in study 1 and (except for mental health) also in study 2. Future studies would therefore do well to investigate the promotion of ASCS at work of people operating in medical education and its potential in fostering well-being and preventing burnout from the outset.  Previous research has shown a positive relation between character strengths, well-being and health. The aim of this analysis was to identify relations between the application of signature character strengths (ASCS) at work, and well-being and health, among medical students (study 1) and resident physicians (study 2). We expected positive direct links between the constructs and indirect effects through emotional exhaustion. To test these hypotheses, 387 medical students in their first year and 136 resident physicians completed five scales measuring well-being, mental/ physical health, character strengths, the application of their five individual signature strengths, and emotional exhaustion as an indicator of burnout. Partial correlations were examined, and mediation analyses performed. ASCS at work was positively linked with well-being and mental health but not with physical health. All links were mediated by emotional exhaustion in study 1 and (except for mental health) also in study 2. Future studies would therefore do well to investigate the promotion of ASCS at work of people operating in medical education and its potential in fostering well-being and preventing burnout from the outset.

Via Dr James Hawkins
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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology Research!

Twelve suggestions for exploring our character strengths (12): building up specific strengths exercise

The twelfth suggestion in this series is a bit different ... looking at growing strengths, not just at connecting with what's already there.

Via Dr James Hawkins
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

12 ideas para explorar y cultivar nuestras fortalezas de carácter.

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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology Research!

Distinguishing Relational Aspects of Character Strengths with Subjective and Psychological Well-being

Distinguishing Relational Aspects of Character Strengths with Subjective and Psychological Well-being | Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being |

(Available in free full text) Research has shown that character strengths are positively linked with well-being in general. However, there has not been a fine-grained analysis up to date. This study examines the individual relational aspects between the 24 character strengths, subjective well-being (SWB), and different aspects of psychological well-being (PWB) at two times of measurement (N=117). Results showed that overall the “good character” was significantly stronger related with PWB than with SWB. The character strength “hope” was at least moderately correlated with the PWB aspects meaning, optimism and autonomy, and “zest” with the PWB aspects relationships and engagement. “Persistence” showed the highest correlation with the PWB aspect mastery. Out of the 24 character strengths, the happiness-related strengths (hope, zest, gratitude, curiosity, and love) were more likely to correlate with PWB and SWB than any other character strength. This study offers a more fine-grained and thorough understanding of specific relational aspects between the 24 character strengths and a broad range of well-being aspects. Future studies should take up a detailed strategy when exploring relationships between character strengths and well-being.

Via Dr James Hawkins
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Rescooped by Margarita Tarragona from Positive Psychology Research!

Your Strengths are Calling: Preliminary Results of a Web-Based Strengths Intervention to Increase Calling

Your Strengths are Calling: Preliminary Results of a Web-Based Strengths Intervention to Increase Calling | Psicología Positiva,Felicidad y Bienestar. Positive Psychology,Happiness & Well-being |

Cross-sectional research indicated that the application of signature strengths at work seemed to be crucial for perceiving a job as a calling. The present study aimed at testing this assumed causality in a random-assignment, placebo-controlled web-based intervention study. The intervention group (n = 83) was instructed to use their four highest character strengths more often at work for 4 weeks. Meanwhile the control group (n = 69) reflected about four situations (independent from the current workplace) where they excelled. For the evaluation of the effects of the two conditions, participants completed measures on calling and global life satisfaction before (Pretest), directly after the four-week training period (Posttest 1), and 3 (Posttest 2) and 6 months (Posttest 3) later. Calling significantly increased in the intervention group but not in the control group from Pretest to Posttest 1, and remained constant until Posttest 3. Global life satisfaction significantly increased in the intervention group but not in the control group from Pretest to Posttest 2 and from Posttest 1 to Posttest 3. That indicated that the changes on global life satisfaction were less steep than the changes in calling and lagged, but significant long lasting changes were observed likewise. Results supported the assumption that the application of strengths at work impacts calling and life satisfaction. Limitations as well as implications for research and practice are discussed.

Via Dr James Hawkins
Margarita Tarragona's insight:

Aplicar las fortalezas en el trabajo aumenta el sentido de propósito

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