Naturopathic conquest of New England nears completion | Escepticismo y pensamiento crítico |
Rhode Island is poised to become the latest state to succumb to the false notion that licensing naturopathic “doctors” will protect the public health, safety and welfare. Via the magic of Legislative Alchemy, and barring a gubernatorial veto, naturopathic doctors will soon be able to diagnose and treat any Rhode Islander with disease or condition, victorious in their sixth attempt at licensing in the state. With the conquest of Rhode Island, naturopathic takeover of New England will be complete, with all six states comprising that area of the United States licensing naturopaths. (Massachusetts passed a licensing law just last year.)

Fortunately, a variety of mechanisms to protect patients are included in the licensing bills. Unfortunately, as we shall see, RI naturopaths stand ready and waiting to foist their fake diagnoses and disproven treatments on unwitting Rhode Islanders without fear of prosecution for practicing without a license.