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Elearning, pédagogie, technologie et numérique...
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Scooped by CECI Jean-François

European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu

European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators: DigCompEdu | Elearning, pédagogie, technologie et numérique... | Scoop.it
10.2760/178382 (print),10.2760/159770 (online) - As the teaching professions face rapidly changing demands, educators require an increasingly broad and more sophisticated set of competences than before. In particular the ubiquity of digital devices and the duty to help students become digitally competent requires educators to develop their own digital competence. On International and national level a number of frameworks, self-assessment tools and training programmes have been developed to describe the facets of digital competence for educators and to help them assess their competence, identify their training needs and offer targeted training. Analysing and clustering these instruments, this report presents a common European Framework for the Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). DigCompEdu is a scientifically sound background framework which helps to guide policy and can be directly adapted to implement regional and national tools and training programmes. In addition, it provides a common language and approach that will help the dialogue and exchange of best practices across borders. The DigCompEdu framework is directed towards educators at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and adult education, including general and vocational training, special needs education, and non-formal learning contexts. It aims to provide a general reference frame for developers of Digital Competence models, i.e. Member States, regional governments, relevant national and regional agencies, educational organisations themselves, and public or private professional training providers.
CECI Jean-François's insight:

On n'a pas fini d'entendre parler du besoin de formation des enseignants car quand on lit ce genre de rapport, très bien fait et riche au demeurant, on ne peut que constater la multiplicité des domaines nouveaux nécessitant un accompagnement...

La formation au numérique n'est déjà  plus le problème principal !

Hakim Abidi's curator insight, December 14, 2017 2:36 PM
As the teaching professions face rapidly changing demands, educators require an increasingly broad and more sophisticated set of competences than before. In particular the ubiquity of digital devices and the duty to help students become digitally competent requires educators to develop their own digital competence
Scooped by CECI Jean-François

Les enjeux de la formation des enseignants : attirer, former, accompagner et retenir

"""Au moment où les discussions sur les rythmes scolaires s’essoufflent un peu (et au fond, tant mieux après tout), il me semble opportun de répéter combien il sera crucial d’améliorer la formation des enseignants (initiale et continue) pour réussir la refondation de l’école. Ce sujet est au cœur du débat : l’OCDE elle-même a organisé le 18 mars un colloque sur ce thème. """"

CECI Jean-François's insight:

La refondation du système éducatif se fera forcément autour de la formation continue (FC) des enseignants, en attendant que les digital natives devient prof !

Un petit sondage en fin d'article montre la perception des sondés face à la FC...

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