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tools and ideas for the EFL classroom
Curated by Juergen Wagner
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Rescooped by Juergen Wagner from Teaching (EFL & other teaching-learning related issues)
August 14, 2016 8:30 AM

Five great YouTube channels for learning English ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning

Five great YouTube channels for learning English ~ Educational Technology and Mobile Learning | eflclassroom | Scoop.it

"Youtube is undoubtedly a great source of educational content to use in class with your students. It also hosts tons of channels that provide instructional tutorials specifically tailored for different learning needs and styles. We have already reviewed some of these channels in previous posts and today we are sharing with you some of our favourite YouTube channels for learning English ..."

Via Leona Ungerer, Roselink
Won Ho's curator insight, August 19, 2016 12:26 AM
영어 아직도 어렵죠? 인터넷 시대의 강점을 활용해 봅시다. 개인적으로는 duolingo.com 선호
Mauricio Diaz's curator insight, September 3, 2016 9:22 PM
Youtube has become one of the most usefull tools for searching information on enternet, there we can find news, tutorials, classes, lessons, instructions, and many more data, although it is not oficial, it is a source of information very useful even for academic people who eventually use this videos pge as a tool or source of information, it does not matter if this information is uploaded by some one who does not has knowledge about the theme or at least enough knowledge to be valid information, eventhough this page counts with an options of likes and dislikes, where people can get a type of guide to know if this information is usefull or not.
Then me as a user of this page is able say that the videos inside the page are valid at least for basic information.
Rescooped by Juergen Wagner from TELT
May 20, 2013 10:35 AM

Video tutorials + EFL links: Mind the App by Thomas Strasser

Video tutorials + EFL links: Mind the App by Thomas Strasser | eflclassroom | Scoop.it

by Thomas Strasser

Mind the App! is an exciting and innovative resource book which introduces teachers and their students to some of the most useful and interesting web applications for language teaching and learning.

It covers a wide variety of applications and includes activities to stimulate students’ interest and to help them understand how the applications work and how best they can be used.

Via Shona Whyte
Alfredo Corell's curator insight, December 16, 2012 1:44 PM

video tutorials in 5 chapters, for teachers and students.

Easy tu use and simple videos.


We need more Apps tutorials :)