Slow the Spread of Fake News: 5 Ways to Encourage Students to be Careful Researchers | Educación y TIC |

"Last month,  we wrote about ways you can help your students determine real from fake news in the classroom. These tips are a way to start the conversation with your students about the importance of critical literacy and the responsibility to be digitally literate in the digital age.


What do you think? Have you had this conversation with your students? We think it’s important to continue to teach these skills to our students since this issue will continue to be something they will need to decipher as they grow up.  


What we’ve found is that those original suggestions were just the tip of the iceberg. Our students are still being confronted with potential fake news every day. So, how do you continue to have these conversations with your students?


In the classroom, we can encourage our students to become careful researchers to help slow the spread of fake news. "

Via Yashy Tohsaku, John Evans, Juergen Wagner