What is Peers and why we share the same mission | Economie Responsable et Consommation Collaborative | Scoop.it

Today, Peers.org launches to “mainstream, protect and grow the sharing economy”. Here we tell you more about Peers and why OuiShare is one of their early supporters and partners.

As the sharing economy is on its way to become a global phenomenon, yet it is sometimes facing hostile reactions from disrupted industries and legislators. A few months ago already, we met Airbnb’s Douglas Atkin to discuss with him the idea of creating a global movement to support the users of the sharing economy. Within a few months, meetups and house parties happened in cities across the globe to discuss what this movement could become. Those meetups revealed that the people who share theirs cars, homes, skills and time are willing to get together to find new opportunities to share or overcome barriers.

And today, these reflections may have given birth to an exciting project called Peers.org.