Meet MillionShort: The Google Hack That Could Be The Antidote To Search Engine Spam | Eclectic Technology |

"...web search results for certain topics are just overloaded with "search engine dummy websites with little to no valuable content, many of which have utilized “search engine optimization” (SEO) tactics...

That’s what a neat hack called MillionShort aims to help with. The website is a search engine that lets you remove the top million (or 100,000, or 10,000, or whatever) hits from the results list. It’s a lot like pruning a plant, or skimming the film off the top of a stew: MillionShort lets you remove the old or non-useful stuff from traditional web search to find new or interesting content."

One of the features is that it lists the sites that is not showing you (as seen in the right column in the image).