Harvard University puts course syllabuses on Vimeo | E-Learning, M-Learning | Scoop.it

Harvard University has taken an innovative approach to producing course syllabuses by producing videos of professors speaking in detail about the syllabus for the semester, and uploading them to Vimeo.

PSFK are reporting that these videos detail courses available in the Harvard Program in General Education, and include courses such as “Modern Jewish Literature”, “American Food”, “Literature and Education”. The videos are publicly available on the site, which means that those of us not lucky enough to attend Harvard can catch a glimpse of what students there will be learning this semester, which is a positive effect of the use of such technology, opening up the workings of one of the most prestigious universities in the world. But on the other hand, it may just make some of us green with envy that we aren’t students there.


Via Ana Cristina Pratas