What does it Mean to be Information-Literate Today? - Learning and the Brain blog | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it
Nowadays, not only is information everywhere, it is also literally at our fingertips. I can ask my phone how many calories are in my food, self-diagnose my headache on a medical website, look up a research article on a database, or search for a tutorial about my favorite hobby on social media. Thanks to technology, I can retrieve a massive amount of information that I otherwise would never have had easy access to. It’s like living in a candy store…of information.

Not a bad thing, right?

But what happens if the information I look at is not credible? What happens if I am misled by false information or misrepresented facts?

Today, knowing how to distinguish between reliable and unreliable information has become a necessary skill.

Via iPamba