mBot: educational robot for #kids - #maker #arduino #robotics #kikstarter | E-Learning-Inclusivo (Mashup) | Scoop.it

Two years ago, Makeblock team launched the first Kickstarter project for helping makers construct their dreams; Two years later, now we come back to Kickstarter again for O.R.P.K (ONE ROBOT PER KID), releasing the easiest educational robot for helping kids learn robotics with fun.

Robotics integrate all STEM fields and always make each kid crazy. It can help kids get hands-on experience on mechanics, electronics, control system and computer science.

However, all robots on the market seem to be expensive, hard to assemble, trouble to wire and complex to program. Our goal is to create an affordable, easy-to-use and open source robot for per kid: ONE ROBOT PER KID.

Via Jacques Urbanska