The Fall of the Banner Ad: A Look at Online Advertising in 2014 | e-commerce & social media |

Online advertising has grown exponentially since its foundation in the 90s. Now, online ad sales make up the majority of the industry, and savvy companies are directing the lion’s share of their budgets at the digital space.

Advertising through social media is nothing new, but so far, brands have been playing it safe, using many of the same methods that have already been successful in the past – combining banner- and text-link-style ads in news feeds and sidebars. But the possibilities of social advertising have yet to be fully explored.

The real power comes not from the reach of a company’s network, but from getting that company’s customers to do the outreach FOR them.

Social media is changing the way people view and interact with content online. While the idea of a website “page” has been a vital component in the way people understand the web, the use of feed-based content in Facebook, Twitter and Instagram has changed the concept of what a website IS. ....

Via Jeff Domansky