PR Debate: Should Brands Take Social/Political Stances? New Study from Field Agent - Bulldog Reporter | e-commerce & social media |

“Many companies are showing greater willingness to take public stances on controversial issues,” said West. “While the vast majority of consumers in our study said they are likely to purchase from companies they agree with, only 3 in 10 have actually done so.

This makes me think consumer behavior hasn’t quite caught up to this new environment in which companies take stands on controversial topics.”

But the risk is evident—and ultimately begs the question: From a company perspective, is it worth it?

“The overwhelming majority of consumers in our study agreed they are more likely to buy from companies they see eye to eye with, and almost half of consumers said they had already stopped buying from a company over a difference of opinion. This tells me that consumers are willing to vote with their dollars,” said West. “But there may be more danger for many companies than opportunity—especially if you serve, as most companies do, a market with diverse political views.”...

Via Jeff Domansky