A Guide to Growing Your Twitter Audience | e-commerce & social media | Scoop.it

...We love Twitter for rapid interaction, ease of use and because it’s an online gateway to hordes of potential followers (and website visitors). Followers mean popularity, which in turn means trust, which then in turn could lead to customers and brand recognition. There are numerous ways to tap into this glowing hub of activity, watch Eric Kuhn's video for some insider tips.

As Twitter is such a fast flowing social network, doing simple things can often bring you great results very quickly. For example, running a competition is going to get you noticed faster than following someone in the hope they will follow you back because a competition gives Twitter users something that they want. Twitter may be fast and furious but by investing a little effort, it will reward you, eventually. This article will explain some of the ways you can quickly gain those much sought after Twitter followers....

Via Jeff Domansky