Didactics and Technology in Education
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Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from information analyst
January 30, 2015 4:58 PM

Metadata Can Expose Person’s Identity Even Without Name | MIT Research | Privacy

Metadata Can Expose Person’s Identity Even Without Name | MIT Research | Privacy | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it
Shopping habits can expose a person’s identity even when he or she is a nameless customer in a database of anonymous credit-card records, according to a study that shows the power of so-called metadata to circumvent privacy protections.

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Via Gust MEES, michel verstrepen
Gust MEES's curator insight, January 30, 2015 3:32 PM
Shopping habits can expose a person’s identity even when he or she is a nameless customer in a database of anonymous credit-card records, according to a study that shows the power of so-called metadata to circumvent privacy protections.

Learn more:


Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
December 6, 2014 4:16 PM

Universal Skills All Learners Should Know How to Do

Universal Skills All Learners Should Know How to Do | Didactics and Technology in Education | Scoop.it

This morning I was thinking about the things that all young people should know how to do regardless of income, geographical location, life goals, etc.  I started a list – see below.  Some have “always” been true – some are unique to this century of learning.  Let me know of any other universal skills you believe young people should know how to do.

Via Ana Cristina Pratas, Gust MEES
LET Team's curator insight, December 13, 2014 8:45 PM

Are we ticking all the boxes SHC?

Saberes Sin Fronteras OVS's curator insight, January 3, 2015 5:58 PM
CTD Institute's curator insight, January 30, 2015 11:29 AM

This posting in the Jackie Gerstein blog, suggests 20 relevant skills young peeple should know. The suggestions come with links to website for how tos.

Rescooped by Rui Guimarães Lima from 21st Century Learning and Teaching
January 20, 2015 10:37 AM

It's Only the Beginning: The Internet R.I.P. (Mikko Hypponen) - YouTube

It's only the beginning - Security expert Mikko Hypponen warns about the monster we have created with our connected world.

Via Gust MEES
Willem Kuypers's curator insight, January 21, 2015 2:54 AM

Le vidéo vaut la peine. Nous allons entrer dans la histoire comme la génération qui a inventé internet. Mais selon le spécialiste, nous avons créé un monstre. 

Dimonekene Ditutala's curator insight, January 21, 2015 8:33 AM

A nice and very important trends analysis.

Polly A. Sheppard's curator insight, January 23, 2015 6:00 PM

This really gives you something to think about!