Augmented Reality to Inspire Creative Writing ~ Two Guys and Some iPads | Didactics and Technology in Education |

by Drew Minock


"During this first week of school, I wanted to inspire my students to be creative and have fun with their learning. In years past I have always struggled to make my writing lessons fun and engaging, yet productive. This is year I decided to introduce writing with the help of my favorite tech tool: Augmented Reality! 

"I gave the students a choice to pick one of the 10 different coloring pages from the app ColAR Mix, and use the image on the page as a prompt to write a creative story. There was only two rules for the assignment: 

1. Have fun
2. Use your imagination

"The students got started right away, some writing their story first, and some coloring. Many students were very excited about their stories saying, "Can I please share my story?!" This all happened because I gave the students a choice to create what they wanted and NOT what I wanted. "


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Via Jim Lerman, juandoming