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Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 1

Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 1 | Devops for Growth |

So how does this work out? At MySpace all groups achieved exit. All, but one, improved after that. One group even achieved a whopping 1,650% improvement after just four months (16 sprints). At Jayway one of the teams used such a bootstrap technique, primarily on the technical side, and reached 800% after 3 months.

The second part of this blog can be found here: Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 2 where I will look into how to handle management and organisation with some recipes.
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Shock Therapy: Self-organisation in Scrum, Jeff Sutherland

Shock Therapy: Self-organisation in Scrum, Jeff Sutherland | Devops for Growth |

In a show of hands, half the people in the room doing Scrum admit to passing the first 3 questions of the Nokia Test.

Only 10% of teams meet all criteria. (I'd say only one of our two teams is currently doing this)

Even ScrumButt brought a measured 35% benefit to teams using it.

Challenges for new agile developers:

They can't self-organise.
They spend weeks arguing about the format of the board and get nothing done.
They don't follow priorities - everyone does their own thing and the sprint fails.
They can't get DONE at the end of the sprint.
They allow not-READY things to enter the sprint.
They can take years to work this out. Some don't.

As investors, Jeffs VC group invests only in Scrum+XP companies. Scrum is driven at board level. Many run management team, marketing, client services and support with Scrum.

What's the secret sauce? They want to change the face of investment in the US.

Implement basic Scrum practices and pass Nokia tets
Involve management, understand velocity

Some companies see 300% improvement in 3 2-week sprints - it used to take years.

Waterfall : 2 function points/dev pcm.
Scrum: 17.8 function points/dev pcm (w/ Mike Cohn test)
SirsiDynix: linearly scalability of a distributed team, 15.3 function points/dev pcm with team split between Moscow and US.
Xebia: half the team in Holland, half India. 15.1 function points/dev pcm. Their definition of "done" is the customer doing acceptance tests and judging complete before the end of a sprint.

Takes MySpace as an example: 1/3 of the company is waterfall, 1/3 ScrumButt, 1/3 Scrum. They have hundreds of developers, owned by Fox News, have founders running development. Management doesn't understand Agile and isn't committed. They brought in 30 project leaders who tried Scrum and thought it was "getting in the way of controlling projects". They've been trying to get rid of it.

They've tried "shock therapy": a set of good practices, but no choice. In agile, we want self-managing teams, but when the team doesn't know how to do this there's a problem.

Leadership changes from directing (telling the team) to coaching (involving the team) to supporting (team takes the lead) to delegating (team does it all). The goal of a Scrummaster is to work themselves out of a job as fast as possible.

Shows Aikido picture.

It's like learning the tango. You need a coach. "There are many of us in agile practice who have worked in martial arts, and there are lots of similarities".

Scott at Myspace takes 2.9 days per team member to improve team velocity by 240%. He's not necessarily popular!

Scrum as a framework gives teams lots of options. In practice, this overwhelms many teams. Just as customers don't know what they want, many agile teams don't know what to do til they're doing it. Scott's rules stay in effect until a team meets their goals for 3 sprints.
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Le nudge management, c’est quoi ?

Le nudge management, c’est quoi ? | Devops for Growth |
S’il n’existe pas de modèle parfait pour manager une équipe, les comportements autoritaires et dont l’aspect hiérarchique est fortement marqué …
Mickael Ruau's insight:

« Nudge » provient du verbe « to nudge », qui signifie en anglais, pousser ou donner un coup de pouce. Cette expression reflète l’objectif de cette théorie née aux Etats-Unis : toute personne serait plus performante si elle est influencée mais non contrainte, de façon à encourager les initiatives dans une perspective qui a du sens. Cette théorie a été explicitée en 2008 par Richard Thaler, pionnier de l’Economie comportementale et Prix Nobel d’économie en 2017.

Appliquée à l’entreprise, et partant du constat que le rôle du manager est de faire évoluer une situation vers un objectif précis, le principe est qu’une mission est mieux exécutée quand elle vient d’une proposition personnelle même si elle est orientée. Au sein d’un grand groupe ou dans une plus petite entité, la motivation, mais également la créativité des équipes, peuvent être portées par ce fonctionnement favorisant les initiatives.

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Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST

Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST | Devops for Growth |

Sprint Backlog Commitment is the final act of this Ubermeeting. In the first few Sprints, I literally read aloud what "Commit" does and does not mean so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind. Once the team commits to the work, the meeting adjourns.

During the Sprint, Multi-Tasking is Forbidden. Work must be in addressed and completed in Priority Order.

Some Engineers understand this right away. Others feel most productive or fulfilled when they have multiple projects in progress. They don't appreciate my pointing out that there is no value in incomplete work – but point it out, I do. Often.

I insist and enforce that they work on cards without multi-tasking and in priority order. Sometimes this leads to petulant protests with people sitting idle but they’re doing less damage in that mode than with their hands in nine projects, none of which will be done.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Three key reasons that I believe I am successful with this approach are:

  • I find the biggest, nastiest problem that the team has and solve in within a day or two of the first Planning meeting if at all possible. Some teams quickly volunteer this problem to me in their first Retrospective while others require observation, careful listening and behind-the-scenes reconnaissance to tease it out. Especially for those teams who haven't worked directly with me yet, having that very large problem go away underscores that they are important to me, that I take them seriously and that I am working hard to make their world a better place.
  • Since I am the head of Agile Practice for the entire company, I am never a new Team’s permanent Scrum Master. This gives me the freedom to create a bit (but only a very small amount) of "Us vs. Him" atmosphere at first. It causes the team to bond in what is often an entirely new way than they have before, and also sets up their permanent Scrum Master to be the "good cop" down the road. It allows me to be more firm about standing during Stand-Up, keeping your estimates private until the vote is called during estimation, etc. Keeping in mind that I generally have to bow out and move on to another team after just a few weeks, by which point they are functioning very well and are (on average) around the 500% mark, most teams tolerate this very well and learn good habits more quickly – even if it does leave me feeling a bit a schoolmarm.
  • I think Socrates was on to something. When I see something going wrong – say, someone sitting during the Daily Stand-Up – I don't always address the transgressor directly. Instead, sometimes I stop the meeting and ask the team, "Team, do any of you see something going wrong with our meeting right now?" Ironically, it is almost always the most skeptical or resistant person who is the first to correct the insolently perched teammate. Soon, they start calling one another on leaning or sitting long before I stop the meeting and ask what's going wrong. It helps them begin to police themselves so that I don't always have to be around to elicit good behavior.

This is roughly how I have driven teams into hyper-productivity in as few as four weeks, and why one of my co-workers calls me "The Scrum Whisperer." I have one team that has achieved 1,650% higher targeted value contribution per week after just four months (16 Sprints) together. We are pretty proud of those numbers.

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Shock Therapy – Revisited: Bootstrapping Hyper-productive Scrum Teams —

Shock Therapy – Revisited: Bootstrapping Hyper-productive Scrum Teams — | Devops for Growth |
The references here are intended to capture all of the current topic information I could find. But it’s changed. For example, I used to be able to view the paper that Jeff and Scott wrote for the agile conference. I can no longer find a free version of it.

From Jeff Sutherlands, ScrumInc blog:
And a PowerPoint deck from Jeff’s blog:
From OpenView:
From Bjorn Granvik:
From David Koontz:
Mike Cottmeyer:
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How to Get Scrum Right on First Attempt | Lifecycle |

How to Get Scrum Right on First Attempt | Lifecycle | | Devops for Growth |
It's easy to get started with Scrum, but a lot can go wrong. Test the waters with a compact, single Sprint Scrum pilot experiment.
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