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Modèles de Markov

Modèles de Markov | Devops for Growth |

On dit qu’un modèle possède la propriété de Markov si son état à un instant T dépend uniquement de son état à l’instant T-1. Si on peut observer les états dans lesquels se trouve le modèle à chaque instant, on parle de modèle de Markov observable. Sinon, on parle de modèle de Markov caché.

Dans cet article, nous allons illustrer ces modèles pour comprendre leur fonctionnement et leur utilité.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Modèle de Markov observable

Considérons la situation qui suit :
Vous êtes enfermés chez vous un jour de pluie, et vous aimeriez déterminer le temps qu’il fera lors des cinq prochains jours.

Comme vous n’êtes pas météorologue, vous vous simplifiez la tâche en faisant l’hypothèse que la météo suit un modèle de Markov: le temps qu’il fait au jour J dépend uniquement du temps qu’il fait au jour J-1.

Pour simplifier encore plus, vous considérez qu’il y a seulement trois temps possibles: soleil, nuages ou pluie.

En se basant sur les observations des derniers mois, vous établissez le diagramme de transitions suivant :



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What is a Team Room?

What is a Team Room? | Devops for Growth |
The team (ideally the whole team, including the product owner or domain expert) has the use of a dedicated space for the duration of the project, set apart from other groups’ activities.

This space is furnished with the various amenities that the team may need: workstations (adapted for pairing if the team uses that practice), whiteboards and flipcharts, wall space to display task boards, project plans or other charts, and so on.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Common Pitfalls

  • The separation criterion is important, an “open space” is “not” an adequate instantiation of this practice; some research suggests that noise (conversations, mainly) spilling over from unrelated activites has a disruptive effect on the concentration needed for project work, but that overhearing project-related conversations is not only tolerated but enhances teamwork; cubicle-type work environments manage “the worst of both worlds”

Expected Benefits

  • Team rooms are favorable to what Alistair Cockburn calls “osmotic communication“: the diffusion of information, toward equilibirum conditions, between those who need it and those who have it; instead of relying on explicit communication mechanisms (telephone, email, IM or meetings) this diffusion is by “ambient” means, for instance overhearing others’ conversations or looking at information radiators
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Design Pattern Template


Name: [name]

Type: ''[Design | Organizational | ...]

Problem: [what you really want to solve; present a simple concrete example]

Context: [context]

Forces: [forces]

Proposed Solution: [explain in terms of your concrete example]

Resulting Context: [what happens when you apply it, good and bad]

Design Rationale: [rationale]

Related Patterns:

AntiPatterns you should beware of:

Pattern Category: [classify it]

Also Known As: [other names]

Examples in the Literature:

Examples in Practice:
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Scrum Patterns: a Guided Tour - SGRio 2017

Starting from “The Mist”, we will do a guided tour through several of the best practices of Scrum, being mined, gathered, and documented by the ScrumPLoP group…
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What's the best way to work around multiple PO?

What's the best way to work around multiple PO? | Devops for Growth |
As part of the webinar “Ask a Professional Scrum Trainer – Martin Hinshelwood – Answering Your Most Pressing Scrum Questions” I was asked a number of questions. Since not only was I on the spot and live, I thought that I should answer each question that was asked again here, as well as those …
Mickael Ruau's insight:

The industry average is that we spend 65% (Source: Standish Group) of our time working on the wrong feature. The Product Owners job is to maximize this figure. What does your CEO think is the cost of not having anyone at the helm?

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Scrum Patterns

This is the backup collection of the material for the forthcoming book, "Scrum Patterns: The Spirit of the Game," replicating the material at Only the "Published Patterns" appear here - that is, those that are held to be fairly close to their final appearance in the book.

For additional historical context, see also and

The ScrumPLoP Product Backlog is on the Product Backlog Spreadsheet.

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Money For Nothing - Published Patterns

Money For Nothing - Published Patterns | Devops for Growth |


Stop development when the cost of continuing exceeds the benefit that the client enterprise will receive from the development.

✥      ✥      ✥

The vendor works to deliver to the client as long as ongoing work continues to increase the overall value (such as net present value) of all Product Increments.

In addition to ensuring that value to the client doesn’t decrease, also make sure that stopping development at these points won’t cripple the vendor’s profitability or value. The client may agree to pay a termination fee to the vendor in the event that it terminates the agreement early, but the client still pays much less than if it had pursued the agreement to the end. One can argue in all fairness that such a fee covers the vendor’s opportunity costs while lining up new business. It is best that the vendor ensures, from the beginning, that each deliverable (Sprint) has positive value to the client, so that the client doesn’t put the vendor at risk over the life-cycle development.

For an example, see “Change for Free and Money for Nothing” in [1] (Chapter 8, ff. 193), that describes a pay-as-you-go contract where the client negotiated the right to terminate the contract at the end of any Sprint—as long as they paid 20 percent of the cost of remaining development. The client paid $3.2 million for a product bid at $10 million and got it 17 months early, thanks to incremental delivery and being able to stop development when the feature set was complete. Furthermore, the client also used Change for Free to redirect some of the work into areas of higher value. In the meantime, the vendor, who had set up the contract to give a profit margin of 15 percent, ended with a net profit margin of 60 percent. Released from the contract early, the vendor was able to pursue additional contracts instead of having to wait 17 months to do so.

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Good Housekeeping - Published Patterns

Good Housekeeping - Published Patterns | Devops for Growth |

Maintain a completely clean product and work environment continuously, or clean at the end of each day.

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Accelerate your Scrum with patterns

Accelerate your Scrum with patterns | Devops for Growth |
Scrum patterns, like design patterns, are proven solutions to repeatable problems, given a particular context.
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Controlled Failure -

Controlled Failure - | Devops for Growth |
Agile pattern for controlled failure. Fail Early Fail Fast
Fail Fast Fail Often
Fail Fast Fail Cheap
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Applicability: Controlled Failure should always be an option on an agile project. It may be used when an inspect and adapt opportunity indicates further work will not prove valuable.

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Single Piece Flow -

Single Piece Flow - | Devops for Growth |

Intent: Minimize stock-on-hand to one item so as to deliver value more quickly and reduce waste

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Scrum Patterns: The New Defacto Scrum Standard

This is the talk I gave at the Japanese Scrum Gathering on 28 February 2015. I'm uploading it at the request of Osamu Tomita who thought that others would like…
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Emergency Procedure - Published Patterns

Emergency Procedure - Published Patterns | Devops for Growth |

Causes of Sprint dysfunction are legion and this pattern focuses primarily on the top three of these common problems:

  • Emergent requirements
  • Technical problems
  • Loss of critical people or capabilities
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Scrum Emergency Procedure: (do only as much as necessary)

  1. Change the way the team does the work. Do something different.
  2. Get help, usually by offloading backlog to someone else.
  3. Reduce scope.
  4. Abort the Sprint and replan.
  5. Inform management how the emergency affects release dates.
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What is a Project Charter?

What is a Project Charter? | Devops for Growth |
A high-level summary of the project's key success factors displayed on one wall of the team room as a flipchart-sized sheet of paper.
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What is Ubiquitous Language?

What is Ubiquitous Language? | Devops for Growth |
Striving to use the vocabulary of a business in the requirements for a software product, in discussions of design, and even in the product's source code.
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How Do you Know You’re not Involving Stakeholders?

How Do you Know You’re not Involving Stakeholders? | Devops for Growth |
An introduction of the 6 symptoms, with the symptom ‘No validation with stakeholders’ explained in detail.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

The symptom ‘No Validation With Stakeholders’ is most likely the reality when you observe the following:

  • Teams don’t invest any time in exploring ways, tools, and techniques to validate what they are doing with stakeholders;
  • Sprints are never intended to test a hypothesis about what might help stakeholders (or add more value);
  • When asked, the team can’t explain who their real stakeholder is. They’ll only mention direct colleagues. None of them really has a ‘stake’ in the product;
  • Whenever stakeholders are involved during the Sprint or during Sprint Reviews, it is only to inform them about what was done. They are never invited to take the keyboard (or what makes sense for your product) and try it out;
  • Despite initial praise and high hopes for a new feature, it fizzles and fails to take off after releasing it;

If Zombie Scrum Teams actually know the people that are going to use the product, they prefer to hide from them. This is quite different from regular zombies, who have developed an unhealthy, carnivorous interest in other people. Zombie Scrum Teams rarely (or never) have real stakeholders present during the Sprint Review or the Sprint Planning and certainly, don’t validate assumptions with them throughout the Sprint by other means.

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Collocated Team - Published Patterns

Collocated Team - Published Patterns | Devops for Growth |
  • Complex collaborative development such as knowledge work requires high-quality communication to be effective. It is difficult to predict the timing, frequency, and duration of this communication necessary for success.
  •  Collocate the team members, ideally in a room of their own, within talking distance.

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Pattern of the Month: Swarm - DZone Agile

Pattern of the Month: Swarm - DZone Agile | Devops for Growth |
Swarming is when an Agile team need all available personnel to work on a single problem. In this article, we offer a quick review of Swarming and how to use it.
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XM Patterns

Just as software design patterns have dramatically accelerated the speed of quality software development, we are seeing hardware design patterns provide repeatable solutions to common challenges faced by hardware scrum team. The “Gang of Four” format is being used to describe patterns:

  • Pattern Name and Classification: A descriptive and unique name that helps in identifying and referring to the pattern.
  • Intent: A description of the goal behind the pattern and the reason for using it.
  • Also Known As: Other names for the pattern.
  • Motivation (Forces): A scenario consisting of a problem and a context in which this pattern can be used.
  • Applicability: Situations in which this pattern is usable; the context for the pattern.
  • Structure: A graphical representation of the pattern. Class diagrams and Interaction diagrams may be used for this purpose.
  • Participants: A listing of the classes and objects used in the pattern and their roles in the design.
  • Collaboration: A description of how classes and objects used in the pattern interact with each other.
  • Consequences: A description of the results, side effects, and trade offs caused by using the pattern.
  • Implementation: A description of an implementation of the pattern; the solution part of the pattern.
  • Sample Code: An illustration of how the pattern can be used in a programming language.
  • Known Uses: Examples of real usages of the pattern.
  • Related Patterns: Other patterns that have some relationship with the pattern; discussion of the differences between the pattern and similar patterns.

This page was adapted from Hubert Smit's work on XM patterns.

Mickael Ruau's insight:
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XM Principle 2: Object-Oriented, Modular Architecture

In the software industry until the 1980's, programs were developed on a procedural model. This led to extremely complex, unmaintainabl
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Unresolved Proxy -

Unresolved Proxy - | Devops for Growth |

Proverbs: That which is owned by everyone ends up being owned by no-one

Mickael Ruau's insight:
Applicability: Unresolved proxies can be found where Product Owners do not exercise authority or control over the Product Backlog or how it is represented. They are especially common in projects where multiple stakeholders consume a service, such as that which may be provided by shared components or middleware.
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Red Green Refactor -

Red Green Refactor - | Devops for Growth |

agile pattern for test driven development, or TDD, also known as test first or red green refactor.

Mickael Ruau's insight:
Motivation: Assert that each code change is necessary and fit for its intended purpose
Structure: A team member creates a test for a change that has not yet been made. The test is run. If it passes (green) then this indicates that the change would be unnecessary, as the desired conditions are already satisfied. If it fails (red) then this proves that the conditions are not yet met. The change can then be made and the test run again. If the change has been implemented successfully then the test will pass (green). The code is refactored to improve design, performance, or other qualities that may have been impacted by the change. The test is re-run and if this refactoring has not compromised the desired behavior, then the test will still pass. Previously written tests should also be run before any change is committed, as other tested code may have been compromised by the modification.
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Product Owner Anti-Patterns, Part 3: No Single Product Owner

Product Owner Anti-Patterns, Part 3: No Single Product Owner | Devops for Growth |
Explore the phenomenon of No Single Product Owner in organizations using Agile and Scrum for software development: Causes, smells, and remedies.
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Secrets of Scrum

These notes give a short definitive summary of patterns (by example) and pattern languages. Next, they introduce basic Scrum patterns that the Scrum PLoP® effort has gathered over the past five years. After that we look at the "Scrum secrets" — Scrum fundamentals that most practitioners either aren't aware of or which usually go unheeded. Patterns help tease out the tradeoffs ("forces") for these forms in a way that makes them memorable. Last, we give a glimpse of how to use these patterns as a powerful way to evolve your own Scrum implementation to excellence.

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