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Quatre étapes clés pour redresser un projet en difficulté  | VISEO

Quatre étapes clés pour redresser un projet en difficulté  | VISEO | Devops for Growth |
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Assurer une démarche structurée grâce à la méthodologie

Le partage de bonnes pratiques et d’accélérateurs fournis par une méthodologie projet doit faciliter le travail des équipes et leur permettre de focaliser sur la solution à livrer tout en rassurant le client quant à la nouvelle trajectoire suivie par le projet.

Une méthodologie qui place l’intégration au centre de sa démarche en proposant

- des référentiels partagés par toute l’équipe projet (Besoins métiers, anomalies, points d’intégration, indicateurs d’avancement …)

- des sessions de travail entre équipes IT et métiers pour partager l’information, résoudre les points d’intégration, présenter des prototypes et des résultats tout au long du projet

- des accélérateurs prêts à l’emploi

- des sources d’information sur nombre de thématiques capitalisées au fil des projets (formations, mode opératoires, informations éditeur …)

- un plan de travail clair permettant de mesurer factuellement l’avancement : des jalons, des livrables

La méthodologie doit permettre de s’assurer que les solutions définies potentiellement localement, par domaines fonctionnels ou métiers, sont viables dans le contexte d’une solution globale. Documenter est ainsi indispensable à l’obtention d’un consensus sur la solution et les objectifs à atteindre, tout en capitalisant pour l’avenir.

Transformer l’essai : S’assurer d’inscrire le travail réalisé dans la durée pour pouvoir transmettre et pérenniser.

L’essence même du projet est de livrer une solution nouvelle définie par le client. Les objectifs d’un projet en difficulté sont nécessairement définis à

- Court terme pour vaincre les difficultés rencontrées et redresser le projet : livrer une solution qui couvre les besoins métier vitaux pour l’entreprise.

- Moyen terme : finaliser la solution en livrant dans un second temps des fonctionnalités moins prioritaires en période de crise et remplir ainsi le contrat initial tel qu’attendu par les clients.

- Long terme : s’assurer de la pérennité de la solution. Les livrables nécessaires aux équipes en charge du support et du maintien en conditions opérationnelles de la solution ne doivent pas être la variable d’ajustement pour limiter les dépassements sur le projet au risque de compromettre la stabilité et la capacité d’évolution de la solution.


En synthèse, redresser un projet en difficulté consiste en premier lieu à réinstaurer une dynamique sur la base d’une confiance retrouvée entre toutes les parties prenantes, en établissant un nouveau contrat permettant de livrer une solution attendue qui doit être pérenne dans le temps.

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Agile Methodology in Retail to the Rescue | BCG

Agile Methodology in Retail to the Rescue | BCG | Devops for Growth |
Each company needs to decide how best to apply agile principles across this span of activities in its own organization. But in general, we see a future in which:

Integrated customer teams combine competencies (in corporate merchandising, operations, pricing, promotions, marketing, local merchandising, and analytics, for example) to streamline decision making and act as engines of success. In this model, a traditional merchant- or buyer-led organization could be replaced with department teams that are empowered to make decisions. This could enable greater accountability for a broad set of metrics and outcomes and create shared responsibility for the success of any one category or department.
Component and platform teams coordinate access to, interaction with, and return on the use of shared resources (such as web presence, physical footprint, and store space).
Expert teams and shared services provide high-value standard or bespoke services to the customer teams (such as custom research, loyalty, or data analytics).
Operators manage day-to-day execution on the ground (in the store or distribution center).

The power of agile in retail is to put all staff in a position akin to that of an old-fashioned store owner—accountable for the overall operation and focused on customer satisfaction. Our vision leverages agile to deliver on this promise without sacrificing the scale necessary to be successful in a global, competitive, digital world. Implementing an agile mindset in retail means enabling a singular focus on customer value by dividing both regular workflow and episodic tasks into pieces that deliver value to customers and then organizing teams to execute each piece. It requires deploying experts on these teams to be closer to the decision making and breaking through communication barriers to accomplish work faster and give teams greater empowerment in the process.
Getting Started

Agile is just getting started in retail. Forward-looking retailers should experiment with different degrees and applications of agile teams and principles. We suggest a four-step roadmap.

Select a lighthouse project. Choose a pilot project or projects, taking into account the following criteria:

Visibility. Consider the effect on company culture, the degree of business attention required, and the size and number of organizational stakeholders.
Business Impact. Select a mission that can have a significant effect on the business and achieve measurable progress in eight to ten weeks.
Relevance. Ensure that outcomes are relevant to the larger organization; people should be able to say, “This will work for me.”
Readiness. Make sure that the business units and functional leaders are engaged and excited.

Choose the practices and principles to implement in the lighthouse project.
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Le blog d’Emmanuel GEORJON – La gestion de projet en 11 règles

Le blog d’Emmanuel GEORJON – La gestion de projet en 11 règles | Devops for Growth |
Quelle que soit la méthode employée, les projets suivent toujours des règles auxquelles il est quasiment impossible d’échapper.
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Recovery Framework for Troubled Projects

Recovery Framework for Troubled Projects | Devops for Growth |
Project Management practices are designed for a project to meet requirements, stay on budget and finish on time. Real life, however, intervenes.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Top Five Actions for Project Recovery. Project recoveries are highly successful once firms decide to focus on addressing the issues that caused the project to become troubled in the first place. The top five actions most often taken in a project recovery intervention according to a survey are:

1.    Improving communication, stakeholder management (62%).

2.    Redefining the project—reducing the scope, re-justifying the project financially (60%).

3.    Adding and/or removing resources (58%).

4.    Resolving problematic technical issues (49%).

5.    Replacing the project manager or bringing in a consultant to manage recovery (36%).

 A Recovery Framework

The rest of this article presents an approach for dealing with troubled projects with confidence and control. The approach deals with redefining project objectives and identifying and fixing problems across people, process, and product dimensions. The recovery process is broken down into distinct phases to improve control. Details are at a high level at this point. Simple project adjustments might be feasible in relatively small troubled projects. In larger projects, the complexity and nature of problems, strongly recommend that a recovery be treated as a project.

There have been several attempts to deal with Troubled/Failing Projects. A notable one is: Moura, H. (2012). How to deal with troubled projects. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2012—EMEA, Marsailles, France. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

The Recovery Framework is a structured approach for dealing with troubled projects, broken down into distinct steps:

· Recognition — Formally recognizes that the project is in trouble and commits to fixing it. Authority and support are obtained to manage resources, reset expectations, negotiate objectives, and implement fixes.

· Assessment — Assesses the project, based on documentation, questionnaires, checklists, and interviews.

· Revision — Redefines the project, setting a new preliminary scope, schedule, and budget. Processes, teams, and communication are redesigned to fit a recovery process.

· Redress — Implements remedial actions and risk responses. Monitors the troubled project until meaningful and credible baselines can be established.

· Execute — Executes project management steps and monitors progress using established and approved plans.

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Redresser un projet en difficulté : dérapage des coûts, délais...

Redresser un projet en difficulté : dérapage des coûts, délais... | Devops for Growth |
Pour prévenir les difficultés, il est impératif de suivre de près l'avancée des travaux et les écarts avec le prévisionnel . Voilà à quoi sert un tableau de bord de pilotage : identifier très tôt les risques, pour les prévenir avant qu'il ne soit trop tard. Vous êtes alors à même de titrer la sonnette d'alarme auprès du comité de pilotage, ou simplement votre patron (suivant la structure de votre entreprise).Toutefois,lorsque le mal est fait, quelles sont les solutions à votre disposition ?

La première étape consiste à mener un rapide diagnostic afin de redéfinir les objectifs et les actions à mener d'urgence : posez-vous, rencontrez les décideurs et négociez les nouvelles échéances, budgets et moyens humains, le cas échéant. Faites face à la situation avec lucidité pour ne pas persévérer... dans l'erreur.
Si le projet est sur la voie de l'échec, il est fortement probable que la phase de cadrage a été déficiente ou que des événements imprévus se sont invités au cours du jeu...
Vous noterez que ce diagnostic peut d'ailleurs conclure à l'arrêt du projet !
Construisez un plan de redressement avec le chiffrage des moyens et la nouvelle planification.
Mettez en place les nouvelles actions avec un suivi très rigoureux. N'oubliez pas : vous êtes en situation de crise. Votre mission est de sauver le projet avec votre plan de bataille.
Pour terminer, capitalisez sur cette expérience en analysant les causes du dérapage. Le plus grave n'est pas de faire des erreurs, mais de ne rien en retenir !
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How to Get a Failing Project Back On Track

How to Get a Failing Project Back On Track | Devops for Growth |

1. Poor Communication
2. Underrated Timeliness
3. Lack of Detailed Documentation
4. Poor Resource Allocation
5. Lack of Risk Management Strategy
1. Refocus the Scope
2. Determine The Cost
3. Draw Up The New Schedule
4. A Thorough Review
5. Learn From The Mistakes
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Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project

Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project | Devops for Growth |
Key Takeaways

Problem software delivery projects can be recovered mid-flight if Value Stream Management (VSM) analytics are used in a forensic way to uncover the root-cause of the issues
Values Stream Management (VSM) analytics platforms adopt a root-cause framework, to surface metrics in a forensic way that consider all possible causes of the problem (separating causes within the control of the delivery team and those in the control of external stakeholders).
The seven root-cause metrics areas in control of the delivery team are: People Availability and Focus; Team Makeup and Stress; Backlog Health and Estimation Accuracy; Dependability and Sprint Accuracy; Delivery Process Efficiency; Story Management and Complexity; and Defect Generation and Rework
The two root-cause metric areas in control of stakeholders are: Changing Scope and Requirements; and Delayed Feedback and Project Input
The approach provides a quantitative root-cause RAG Report which enables mitigations to be put in place in flight, which are based on a detailed understanding of the underlying causes of the project’s problems. This greatly increases the chance of project recovery.
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Rescue and Recovery of Projects

Rescue and Recovery of Projects | Devops for Growth |

So, when it comes to recovering the projects, a lot of it is revisit why are we running the project in the first place, get back to the business and say “Look, this is the initiative. What's the real goal here and the vision and therefore what are we trying to achieve from a benefit point of view? And, is the solution we have in place really doing that? ” And, then we'll get back to the key elements of that solution and what do we actually need to do.

A few years ago we were looking at recovering an outsourcing program for a financial institution in Australia and they were trying to outsource a lot of their developing work. The problem was that the original guys who got involved and got too deep into one particular aspect, which was designing the network connection between Australia and the outsourcing country, well they forgot to look at the bigger picture, and so it became very evident that we needed to go back and find out what are we supposed to be doing here. In fact, they didn’t even have a plan in place quite frankly, so that was one big indicator they weren't going very well, and therefore they'd lost the focus on everything because they’d got too deep into the picture and we had to pull them right back out and look at the bigger picture and then try and work out “What are we actually trying to achieve here? How do we do that? And what are the key elements to help us do that?” So, these are some of the tools that help us find out and realign the project back to what it's supposed to be doing. And, of course, one of the key elements we have done is prioritization, for which there are various methods – Moscow is probably one of the most useful ones – but prioritizing your project is key even when you're starting it up, but certainly when it comes to troubleshooting, so I think that's one of the first things to think about.
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The Agile-Led Recovery

The Agile-Led Recovery | Devops for Growth |

As recently as earlier this year I was having conversations fairly regularly with executives who were resistant of allowing Agile project delivery methods to be used in their businesses. They accepted it had a place in software development projects and had made some allowances for more ‘small a’ agile approaches to things like planning, but they still saw most of their projects delivered using traditional methods. These were predominantly large organizations in well-developed industries, often with a high degree of regulation. For those executives, the large multi-year initiatives that they pursued were ideally suited to traditional project delivery and there was no need to change.

To be fair to those leaders, they knew that agile projects were being successfully delivered at lower levels of their organizations but those rarely reached a level of importance that resulted in executive visibility. So as far as those leaders were concerned, Agile didn’t exist in their business and that was OK with them. But things have changed very rapidly.

Those same executives are now being forced to accept Agile as an enabler of recovery, there simply is no other way. The path to recovery is still highly uncertain but there will inevitably be peaks, troughs and direction changes throughout the process. Projects will need to deliver significant business results quickly with teams working …
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6 Steps to Save a Project That's Gone Off the Rails

6 Steps to Save a Project That's Gone Off the Rails | Devops for Growth |
Learn how to save a project that seems to be spinning out of control.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


2) Reevaluate the project's core objectives.

The best way to get things rolling again is to bring your team's attention back to the project's original purpose and primary goals. When things get chaotic, it's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture, and people can get bogged down in the stressful details. The purpose can get lost in the frantic shuffle. 

As the project manager, it's your job to keep an eye on the ultimate goal -- especially when the project isn't headed in the right direction. At the kickoff meeting, you likely went over the project's targets and milestones with your team -- but it might be time for a refresher.

When you meet with your team, don't just rehash everything from the initial kickoff meeting -- make sure you take the time to identify where things have fallen off course. Are there any particular areas of your project plan that now seem unattainable? Any areas that require some careful reevaluation? Maybe something you thought would be a small component is actually demanding a lot more attention. 

At this point, you can't be afraid to be flexible.

It can seem absolutely terrifying to pull a 180-degree pivot midway through an important project, but sometimes it's the only way to salvage things. Think about it this way: You know more about the project now than you did at the outset. At this point, you know what doesn't work, which makes you better equipped to formulate a better -- more realistic and informed -- approach.

3) Audit your team's communication channels.

If your project isn't going as planned, there's a good chance that poor communication deserves a significant chunk of the blame. It's pretty simple: For your project to succeed, you need to have a communication infrastructure that allows team members to stay on the same page, even when they're working on different areas of the project.

Take the time to examine your current communication process and look for any gaps or weak spots. What channels is your team currently using to communicate? How are you sharing information about individual team members' work? Is there a central place where team members can track the project's overall progress? How often are you checking in as a group?

One of the easiest ways to keep your team connected is investing in a project management tool. There are a ton of tools available at various price points, making it a great option for agencies of all sizes.

If onboarding your entire team onto a new piece of software midway through a project sounds like it might overcomplicate things, make the best of your existing tools and channels. Create a single place (such as a shared document) where team members can report on their progress and keep track of how the project is doing overall. Establish regular times to meet in person and discuss what's working, and what isn't.


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Rescuing troubled projects

Rescuing troubled projects | Devops for Growth |

Turning the Project Team into a Rescue Task Force

By now you should have addressed and resolved most if not all of the politics surrounding your failed project. Now is the time to set it up properly, and to make sure you and your team are doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time. A rescue team needs to be close to the scene. If the project is at a remote site, this works to your benefit. Set up temporary offices close to that remote site and arrange for appropriate accommodation. Make sure the team is always collocated, at work and after hours, because this will help them bond quicker and work together more effectively. If the project is not at a remote site, and is within either the performing or client organization, collocation is still necessary. A make-shift project office in a meeting room close to the project location will suit the purpose.

Afterhours and downtime are as important as working hours: in my case, I made it a point that we all have meals together, and spend the evenings in disguised team-building activities based on leisure and entertainment (board games and other trivia come in handy). Eight years later, we all share the stories and memories of those “good old days.”

In all cases, maximize the benefit of collocation. Use the project-office walls for visibility. All of the tools addressed below should be on display on the walls of this room, giving all stakeholders and more importantly the project team, access to any and all information pertinent to rescuing the project at all times. Not only should the tools be available, but they should be generated by the project team and updated regularly. Each member should have something that belongs to him or her on the wall. This is addressed under “The Participatory Approach” below. Plans, issue logs, minutes of meetings, photos, task lists, time lines, performance reports, team breakdown structures, are but examples of what should go on that wall.

One last important constituent of transforming the project team is to break convention. This has great psychological impact on the members; sending messages that we are not a business as usual team, but a special task force. Have them isolated from business as usual, come to work in smart casual attire if they usually wear suits, make your own working hours, and give them a non-routine environment to work in. Agree with your sponsor on incentives, both financial and moral, that will be dispersed to the team when they turn the project around. Ideally, you will invite the sponsor and client to visit the project-office at least once at the onset of the rescue mission to announce these incentives to the team. Team members will get the message that they are supported by senior management; this will work as a much needed morale booster at the onset of your rescue endeavor.
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8 Steps to Getting a Slipping IT Project Back on Track

8 Steps to Getting a Slipping IT Project Back on Track. As many organization leaders are aware, few (if any) IT projects materialize without runnin
Mickael Ruau's insight:

1. Evaluate Current State of Affairs

Project managers will need to review all available project documentation and assemble their team for a closer assessment of where the project stands. At the very least, it may be a good idea to engage a third party (not connected with the project) to be present to facilitate the review. This will allow a distance from the project and afford an objective assessment of how the project ended up off track. Several questions to raise at this point may include:

  • At what point (and how) did the project go off track?
  • Does the project contain all essential project management documentation? If not, why?
  • How critical is the delivery date?
  • What functionality is expected by the delivery date?
  • What has been completed and what is still outstanding?
  • How flexible will stakeholders be to change scope, dates and budget?

2. Communicate with the Project Stakeholders

Project managers are responsible for communicating with project stakeholders throughout the life of the project. Some questions to ask include, but are not limited to:

  • What is the political situation within the organization? How about with the clients / end-users?
  • Is the project sill aligned with the business strategy? Is it still required?
  • Are the stakeholders willing to move forward with a new project plan?

3. Prepare the Project Team for Recovery

At this point, morale is likely to be low amongst the team. As a leader, it is the project manager’s responsibility to step in and get the team focused on recovery. Some actions to take in this step include, but are not limited to:

  • Re-evaluating roles & responsibilities on the project team;
  • Evaluating the team’s capabilities and capacity to execute going forward; and
  • Clarifying personnel assignments. Does the project manager need more/different personnel resources at this time?

4. Develop a New Project Plan

At this point a new project plan will most likely be required. The following items should be considered:

  • Halting/preventing all scope changes;
  • Adjusting the scope of work;
  • Re-assessing activities yet to be completed;
  • Developing a new practical/reasonable schedule;
  • Creating a risk management plan;
  • Re-evaluating resource availability; and
  • Developing new project planning documents.

5. Acquire Stakeholder Support for the New Project Plan

Before project managers can go forward they must obtain validation from the project stakeholders. In Step 2, the project managers notified their stakeholders that the project was failing and, presumably, obtained their approval to proceed in getting the project back on track. In this step project managers are obtaining stakeholder consent to press forward into plan execution. Without this critical step, project managers will lack the assurances that stakeholders are supportive of their actions and that the project is still viable.

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Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project

Applying Software Delivery Metrics and Analytics to Recover a Problem Project | Devops for Growth |
Key Takeaways

Problem software delivery projects can be recovered mid-flight if Value Stream Management (VSM) analytics are used in a forensic way to uncover the root-cause of the issues
Values Stream Management (VSM) analytics platforms adopt a root-cause framework, to surface metrics in a forensic way that consider all possible causes of the problem (separating causes within the control of the delivery team and those in the control of external stakeholders).
The seven root-cause metrics areas in control of the delivery team are: People Availability and Focus; Team Makeup and Stress; Backlog Health and Estimation Accuracy; Dependability and Sprint Accuracy; Delivery Process Efficiency; Story Management and Complexity; and Defect Generation and Rework
The two root-cause metric areas in control of stakeholders are: Changing Scope and Requirements; and Delayed Feedback and Project Input
The approach provides a quantitative root-cause RAG Report which enables mitigations to be put in place in flight, which are based on a detailed understanding of the underlying causes of the project’s problems. This greatly increases the chance of project recovery.
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Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 1

Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 1 | Devops for Growth |

So how does this work out? At MySpace all groups achieved exit. All, but one, improved after that. One group even achieved a whopping 1,650% improvement after just four months (16 sprints). At Jayway one of the teams used such a bootstrap technique, primarily on the technical side, and reached 800% after 3 months.

The second part of this blog can be found here: Scrum Shock Therapy, Part 2 where I will look into how to handle management and organisation with some recipes.
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Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST

Scrum "Shock Therapy" How To Change Teams FAST | Devops for Growth |

Sprint Backlog Commitment is the final act of this Ubermeeting. In the first few Sprints, I literally read aloud what "Commit" does and does not mean so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind. Once the team commits to the work, the meeting adjourns.

During the Sprint, Multi-Tasking is Forbidden. Work must be in addressed and completed in Priority Order.

Some Engineers understand this right away. Others feel most productive or fulfilled when they have multiple projects in progress. They don't appreciate my pointing out that there is no value in incomplete work – but point it out, I do. Often.

I insist and enforce that they work on cards without multi-tasking and in priority order. Sometimes this leads to petulant protests with people sitting idle but they’re doing less damage in that mode than with their hands in nine projects, none of which will be done.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Three key reasons that I believe I am successful with this approach are:

  • I find the biggest, nastiest problem that the team has and solve in within a day or two of the first Planning meeting if at all possible. Some teams quickly volunteer this problem to me in their first Retrospective while others require observation, careful listening and behind-the-scenes reconnaissance to tease it out. Especially for those teams who haven't worked directly with me yet, having that very large problem go away underscores that they are important to me, that I take them seriously and that I am working hard to make their world a better place.
  • Since I am the head of Agile Practice for the entire company, I am never a new Team’s permanent Scrum Master. This gives me the freedom to create a bit (but only a very small amount) of "Us vs. Him" atmosphere at first. It causes the team to bond in what is often an entirely new way than they have before, and also sets up their permanent Scrum Master to be the "good cop" down the road. It allows me to be more firm about standing during Stand-Up, keeping your estimates private until the vote is called during estimation, etc. Keeping in mind that I generally have to bow out and move on to another team after just a few weeks, by which point they are functioning very well and are (on average) around the 500% mark, most teams tolerate this very well and learn good habits more quickly – even if it does leave me feeling a bit a schoolmarm.
  • I think Socrates was on to something. When I see something going wrong – say, someone sitting during the Daily Stand-Up – I don't always address the transgressor directly. Instead, sometimes I stop the meeting and ask the team, "Team, do any of you see something going wrong with our meeting right now?" Ironically, it is almost always the most skeptical or resistant person who is the first to correct the insolently perched teammate. Soon, they start calling one another on leaning or sitting long before I stop the meeting and ask what's going wrong. It helps them begin to police themselves so that I don't always have to be around to elicit good behavior.

This is roughly how I have driven teams into hyper-productivity in as few as four weeks, and why one of my co-workers calls me "The Scrum Whisperer." I have one team that has achieved 1,650% higher targeted value contribution per week after just four months (16 Sprints) together. We are pretty proud of those numbers.

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Shock Therapy: Self-organisation in Scrum, Jeff Sutherland

Shock Therapy: Self-organisation in Scrum, Jeff Sutherland | Devops for Growth |

In a show of hands, half the people in the room doing Scrum admit to passing the first 3 questions of the Nokia Test.

Only 10% of teams meet all criteria. (I'd say only one of our two teams is currently doing this)

Even ScrumButt brought a measured 35% benefit to teams using it.

Challenges for new agile developers:

They can't self-organise.
They spend weeks arguing about the format of the board and get nothing done.
They don't follow priorities - everyone does their own thing and the sprint fails.
They can't get DONE at the end of the sprint.
They allow not-READY things to enter the sprint.
They can take years to work this out. Some don't.

As investors, Jeffs VC group invests only in Scrum+XP companies. Scrum is driven at board level. Many run management team, marketing, client services and support with Scrum.

What's the secret sauce? They want to change the face of investment in the US.

Implement basic Scrum practices and pass Nokia tets
Involve management, understand velocity

Some companies see 300% improvement in 3 2-week sprints - it used to take years.

Waterfall : 2 function points/dev pcm.
Scrum: 17.8 function points/dev pcm (w/ Mike Cohn test)
SirsiDynix: linearly scalability of a distributed team, 15.3 function points/dev pcm with team split between Moscow and US.
Xebia: half the team in Holland, half India. 15.1 function points/dev pcm. Their definition of "done" is the customer doing acceptance tests and judging complete before the end of a sprint.

Takes MySpace as an example: 1/3 of the company is waterfall, 1/3 ScrumButt, 1/3 Scrum. They have hundreds of developers, owned by Fox News, have founders running development. Management doesn't understand Agile and isn't committed. They brought in 30 project leaders who tried Scrum and thought it was "getting in the way of controlling projects". They've been trying to get rid of it.

They've tried "shock therapy": a set of good practices, but no choice. In agile, we want self-managing teams, but when the team doesn't know how to do this there's a problem.

Leadership changes from directing (telling the team) to coaching (involving the team) to supporting (team takes the lead) to delegating (team does it all). The goal of a Scrummaster is to work themselves out of a job as fast as possible.

Shows Aikido picture.

It's like learning the tango. You need a coach. "There are many of us in agile practice who have worked in martial arts, and there are lots of similarities".

Scott at Myspace takes 2.9 days per team member to improve team velocity by 240%. He's not necessarily popular!

Scrum as a framework gives teams lots of options. In practice, this overwhelms many teams. Just as customers don't know what they want, many agile teams don't know what to do til they're doing it. Scott's rules stay in effect until a team meets their goals for 3 sprints.
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Example of a Project Recovery Plan Template: Free Download With Tips for Customization - BrightHub Project Management

The following project recovery plan template is a generic example designed to suit several kinds of projects. This project recovery plan template can also be freely downloaded as a Word document, so you can add information and amend it as necessary.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Project Recovery Plan Template


This first section is an introduction for the project recovery plan. Here you need to state the overall purpose of this document and briefly describe what is covered within its pages (i.e. the roles and responsibilities of the project team in the risk management processes, the steps that will be carried out to minimize the effects of the stop gaps, the time line and budget for process of project recovery, etc.).

Project Team

Provide the names and roles of the project management team members. Describe what responsibilities each team member has in regards to the project recovery plan.

Project Assessment

First, provide an overall picture of where the project is currently holding. What milestones have been achieved and what has yet to be accomplished. Next, define the core problems, obstacles, and risks that are preventing or slowing down project completion, and list them in order of importance, starting with the most critical issues. Include or reference here any risk-related documentation and any other supporting documents that help define these core issues.


Project Recovery Strategies

In this section you will define the steps the project team will take to minimize the damage, as well as re-organize project priorities, project scheduling, and the project budget to bring the project back on track and steer it towards completion.

In short, at least five elements must be included in this section:

  1. A breakdown of steps to be taken
  2. A schedule for the project recovery
  3. The project recovery budget
  4. Methods for monitoring the project recovery process
  5. A list of any needed tools or information

Conclusion and Appendix

In section, you should summarize the project recovery strategies mentioned above as well as the overall goals of the project recovery plan. You should also include in the appendix any supporting documentation mentioned in the project recovery plan.

Use this generic project recovery plan template to help you successfully recover from a potential project disaster and ultimately, project failure.

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Brainhub: Troubled IT Projects: When to Rescue and When to Abandon

Brainhub: Troubled IT Projects: When to Rescue and When to Abandon | Devops for Growth |
To save or not to save: Rescue vs Termination

The sequence of actions with troubled IT projects is basically four stages: Assessment, Recommendation (decision), Planning and Execution. So after a thorough assessment, management is faced with a big decision to make – recover a project or terminate it.

Naturally, you’d weigh in all the pros and cons of both scenarios. Here are a few analysis directions to begin with:
Learn how to deal with troubled IT projects.

If market conditions and technical aspects/requirements haven’t changed drastically, and business benefits can still be gained in a reasonable time, a project might be worth rescuing.
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Let me get this straight – A rescue project on a public sector Oracle COTS – I’m in! | Agile Alliance

Let me get this straight – A rescue project on a public sector Oracle COTS – I’m in! | Agile Alliance | Devops for Growth |

In this paper/talk we’ll chronicle the turnaround of a failing enterprise scale (200+FTEs) Oracle – COTS (Commercial Off The Shelf) Implementation in a public agency. A decision was made to do a hard reset from a waterfall to a agile methodology.

A delivery methodology was designed and implemented which included practices at enterprise, program, and team levels. This methodology encompassed elements from agile, scrum, lean, and SAFe frameworks.

While we did not have a specific intent to use the SAFe framework it turns out that we ended up using some key elements of the framework at the different levels
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Using Kanban to Turn Around Distressed Projects

Using Kanban to Turn Around Distressed Projects | Devops for Growth |
This is a case study that describes how Kanban and lean development techniques were used to rescue a distressed project.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Eliminate Waste and Control the Flow of Work with Constraints

As mentioned, the development team started off working in a waterfall approach.  However, things ended up breaking down into an ad-hoc approach once development began and the big-up-front-requirements document became invalidated by uncontrolled change.  From there, it didn't take long for the line from the code back to the requirements to become blurred and then eventually erased.

The profile of the work assignment was a classic push system with a very large batch size.  The development team was pushed a large requirements artifact from the analysis team.  The test team was pushed a large code base by the development team plus the very large requirements artifact from the analysis team.  During testing, when defects were uncovered, they were pushed to specific developers by a manager.  When the fixes were made, a manager pushed them to specific testers for verification.

This approach resulted in a lot of waste.  In the analysis phase, a vast amount of unimplemented requirements accumulated.  In the development phase, a vast amount of untested code was developed.  In the test phase, a vast amount of unimplemented and improperly implemented requirements were identified.

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5 étapes pour sauver un projet qui va droit à l’échec

5 étapes pour sauver un projet qui va droit à l’échec | Devops for Growth |

Un projet peut être mis en difficulté pour diverses raisons. Voici le top 5 :

Exigences : manque de clarté, contradictions, absence de priorités, ambiguïté, etc.
Ressources : manque de ressources, conflits de ressources, manque de formation, départ de collaborateurs clés, perte de motivation, etc.
Délais: trop serrés ou trop longs, irréalistes, etc.
Planification : basée sur des données insuffisantes, éléments manquants, détails insuffisants, mauvaises estimations.
Risques: non identifiés ou hypothétiques, absence de gestion des risques.

On note que pour les petites entreprises, la gouvernance du projet (absence de gestion, inefficacité, priorités différentes, aucune implication réelle) remplace la planification dans ce top 5.
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KZenEdge Roundtable 2 - Project Rescue

In our second roundtable as part of the KZenEdge Thought Leadership series, we covered the topic of Project Rescue for non Waterfall methodologies. The focus of this discussion rested on Agile, Scrum, Kanban, and Hybrid type projects. We examined the indicators that might flag a watermelon project (green on the outside, but red on the inside), what might be the root cause of these problems, and finally how one might approach the “rescue” or resolution. The team shared some excellent insights and the feedback was very positive.

The attached article summarizes the discussion points and learnings.

Roundtable 2 – Notes on Project Rescue – Article
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→ Manager son équipe : recadrage sur un projet en crise ★ Chef de Projet Malin

→ Manager son équipe : recadrage sur un projet en crise ★ Chef de Projet Malin | Devops for Growth |

Pour cette étude de cas, d’abord un peu de contexte au moment de la reprise : un projet de plus de 350 jours, une équipe de 4 personnes chez le client, un engagement au forfait et plus de 40% de dépassement prévu en fin de projet …

Alors oui, il y avait des tableaux excel de suivi avec des indicateurs projets, des calculs de coûts, des courbes et tout ça. Mais en donnée cruciale en entrée il y a encore et toujours le fameux reste à faire. Vous aurez beau avoir les plus beaux outils du monde pour piloter vos projets, si vous et votre équipe ne maîtrisez pas votre reste à faire, vous ne maitrisez rien.
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La loi de Little appliquée à la gestion de projets | Humanperf

La loi de Little appliquée à la gestion de projets | Humanperf | Devops for Growth |
Dans la mesure où le but de chaque organisation est de soutenir les initiatives de progrès pour obtenir des résultats significatifs, la tendance actuelle est de vouloir en faire le plus possible de la manière la plus rapide qui soit. Malheureusement, ce comportement est souvent contre-productif et apporte chaque jour son lot de déceptions au sein des équipes voire même un certain découragement. Il est pourtant tout à fait possible d’obtenir des résultats rapidement, mais il faut pour cela réduire le travail en cours nommé « WIP » pour Work In Progress et c’est sur ce point que la loi de Little peut apporter une réponse pertinente.

La loi de Little tient son nom de son inventeur, John Little, qui a réfléchi à la théorie des files d’attentes dans les années 50 pour énoncer en 1961 son principe de la manière suivante : le nombre de clients dans une file d’attente est égal au taux d’arrivée moyen des clients multiplié par le temps de traitement.

Souvent reprise par les démarches de Lean Management dans l’industrie afin de réduire le « Lead Time » (le temps moyen passé dans le système de production entre le début et la finalisation d’une tâche) et ainsi augmenter la capacité à produire, la Loi de Little permet d’établir un lien entre l'en-cours de production (WIP), le temps de traversée de la production (le Lead Time) et le débit de la production (« Throughput »). Cette formule est souvent énoncée de la manière suivante :

WIP = T x LT ou LT = WIP / T

Le résultat est que toute augmentation de l’en-cours augmente mécaniquement les délais. Cette formule est d’autant plus intéressante que l’on a généralement tendance à faire l’inverse dans les entreprises. On augmente régulièrement les encours avec l’espoir d’augmenter les sorties alors que cela se traduit souvent par une pluie de météorites sur les équipes et une véritable catastrophe pour les délais des projets !
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How to Save a Project in Trouble

How to Save a Project in Trouble | Devops for Growth |
I am sure there are projects that cannot be recovered, but I have not seen one. It all depends on how much money you would like to spend. The practicality of recovering the project is the hard question to answer. I have recommended killing a number of projects based on the cost of recovering them. Occasionally, a client will reject that option for less tangible reasons, such as potential damage to their reputation. At that point, the goals of the project change and you need to add “save face” to the deliverables.

I cannot stress enough that the goals and value of the project must always be tracked and evaluated. Even on those projects that have to save face, I am sure these projects can reach a point where cancelation is the only reasonable option.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


AB: What’s the first thing someone should do when they realize a project is running into some real problems?

   TCW: Make sure that it is aligned to the strategic goals and remove all scope that is not critical to the project’s success. In attempting to reduce scope, it could be that the project gets broken into two or more deliveries (phased delivery). The most critical items delivered in the first phases followed by other functionality in subsequent releases. Essentially this decreases the size of each release and reduces risk.

If you find that the project does not support a strategic goal of the company, cancel it and apply the resources to other projects.

AB: Once they do that, what’s the next step?

   TCW: The three things to do in order involve:

  1. People: Make sure the people on the project have the required skills.  There is no room in any project’s budget for on-the-job training. In a project recovery there is less. You need the right skills. As the project leader you need pull these people together as a team. This is absolutely essential.
  2. Process: We love process and, there is no doubt, it is critical in running projects. Process, however, cannot replace intelligence. If you put too much process on a project, it will sink under the weight.
  3. Technology:  Technology is a means to an end. It is a tool. Too many people wrongly see technology as the answer.  It cannot be implemented in a project or its product without first having the right people or process.  Too many people want to implement the software to solve a problem. That will fail.  It has hundreds of times.
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