Devops for Growth
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Devops for Growth
For Product Owners/Product Managers and Scrum Teams: Growth Hacking, Devops, Agile, Lean for IT, Lean Startup, customer centric, software quality...
Curated by Mickael Ruau
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EventStorming | Devops for Growth |
The smartest approach to collaborate beyond silo boundaries.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

EventStorming is a flexible workshop format for collaborative exploration of complex business domains.

It comes in different flavours, that can be used in different scenarios:

  • to assess health of an existing line of business and to discover the most effective areas for improvements;
  • to explore the viability of a new startup business model;
  • to envision new services, that maximise positive outcomes to every party involved;
  • to design clean and maintainable Event-Driven software, to support rapidly evolving businesses.

The adaptive nature of EventStorming allows sophisticated cross-discipline conversation between stakeholders with different backgrounds, delivering a new type of collaboration beyond silo and specialisation boundaries.



What will you use EventStorming for? Pick the most suitable style for your own purpose
your organization

Dig into the business flow of an entire line of business

Uncover inconsistencies between different perspectives and competing goals

Highlight key impediments to meaningful value delivery

Gather collective understanding and consensus around the next actions

your startup ecosystem

Explore the landscape of an entire new business ecosystem

Enforce consistent storytelling between stakeholders and partners

Highlight architectural boundaries to allow robust and flexible evolution

new services' dynamics

Design services collaboratively, involving key stakeholders

Support cross-discipline conversations between business, service designers and IT representatives

Manage multiple perspectives on the same model, from value delivery to emotions and risks.

critical software

Design key software behaviour for your most critical processes

Unfold the needs of multiple stakeholders on a sophisticated event-driven model

Be ready to embrace the full power of Microservices and Domain-Driven Design

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Event Storming, une description | Pablo Pernot

Event Storming, une description | Pablo Pernot | Devops for Growth |
L’event Storming est un atelier très simple. Quelques règles suffisent. Il est aussi très efficace et souvent utile.

L’event storming est, pour paraphraser Thomas Pierrain, une réelle façon d’harmoniser les modèles mentaux, en un mot de s’aligner. Il est fréquent de découvrir la surprise des personnes lorsque leur activité se dévoile au travers du management visuel par l’entremise d’un système Kanban.

Mickael Ruau's insight:


L’idée de l’event storming est de rendre visible ce processus. Pour cela, comme le rappelle son créateur, Alberto, il faut de l’espace et de tonnes de stickers. Sur cet espace une ligne de temps est représentée par du papier craft sur quelques mètres. On y collera des des stickers dont les codes couleur seront bien respectés, et sur lesquels on aura pris soin de bien écrire en majuscules. Puis l’objectif sera de rendre palpable le processus, ce qui se déroule dans la vraie vie, sur cette ligne de temps. L’intérêt étant d’en percevoir véritablement les circonvolutions, les creux, les surcharges, tous les signaux que nous ne voyons pas autrement, et surtout les voir tous ensemble, avec tous les acteurs.

Principes de base

  • Ainsi donc une grande ligne de temps représentée généralement par 5 à 10 mètres de papier craft.
  • Des stickers de couleurs.
  • Quelques heures devant soi.
  • Un groupe de personnes composé par les acteurs en rapport avec le processus défini.
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What is a Kanban Roadmap?. The term “Kanban roadmap” seems to be… | by andrea saez | Bootcamp

What is a Kanban Roadmap?. The term “Kanban roadmap” seems to be… | by andrea saez | Bootcamp | Devops for Growth |
Last year I saw the term ‘Kanban roadmap’ emerge subtly in some product circles. At first I thought it was a bit of a faux pas, perhaps something that would die off naturally as some things do.
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What is a Product Vision?. Often mentioned, rarely understood | by Jens-Fabian Goetzmann

What is a Product Vision?. Often mentioned, rarely understood | by Jens-Fabian Goetzmann | Devops for Growth |
One of the trickiest concepts to grasp in product development is that of a product vision. I have written about the topic before. My conclusions in that article was that a product vision should…
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Checklist Go To Market

rès souvent, en tant que Product Marketing Manager, on nous demande "Dis Jamy, comment on s'assure que l'on n'oublie rien dans notre Go To Market" ? Alors on s'est mis au travail et on a constitué une checklist de tous les must-have que l'on doit avoir checké pour une release majeure. Bien sûr, elle n'est pas forcément exhaustive ni 100% adaptés à vos besoins. C'est pour cette raison que nous la mettons à disposition sur Notion afin que vous puissiez vous l'approprier. En espérant qu'elle vous soit utile ! Hortense & Mathieu

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Download free ebook: Product Management by Intercom

Download free ebook: Product Management by Intercom -
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Learn from home for free - eBook for product managers

Free resource so you can learn from home. Secrets of successful product managers - have a look inside and learn what the best product managers do
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Travailler avec une équipe agile à distance | by Quang T | Sandbox Produit

Travailler avec une équipe agile à distance | by Quang T | Sandbox Produit | Devops for Growth |
En tant que Product Owner chez Linagora, je coordonne le développement d’une nouvelle plateforme de support logiciel sur OpenPaaS avec notre équipe technique basée au Vietnam. Dans cet article, j…
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Product Management Books free and tips

Product Management books for free & recommendations Below you will find tips, recommendations and for free product management books. If you have tips for the following collection you are welcome to contact us and tell us your persona
Mickael Ruau's insight:

There are free Product Management books available. Here you can download all of our free books.

In English language:

  Title Author

Strategic Product Management Book
for Open Product Management Workflow™

This is our free textbook for the Strategic Product Management course and serves as preparation for course participants.

Frank Lemser

Technical Product Management Book
for Open Product Management Workflow™

This is our free textbook for the Technical Product Management course and serves as preparation for course participants.

Frank Lemser

Go-to-Market Book
for Open Product Management Workflow™

This is our free textbook for the Successfull Go-to-Market course and serves as preparation for course participants.

Frank Lemser


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Leveraging Small Teams to Scale Agility - a Red Hat Case Study

Leveraging Small Teams to Scale Agility - a Red Hat Case Study | Devops for Growth |
This article gives you a sneak peek into the adoption of Agile methodology at Red Hat. It shows how they have split the existing large subsystem team into smaller durable Scrum teams. Small teams scale well. They can more easily clarify dependencies and increase focus, leading to an increase in the ability to complete work, can mature faster, and can learn from a “fail fast” mentality more easily.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Key Takeaways

  • Desizing teams helps to scale agility in large organizations by increasing opportunities to build trust, fail and learn faster
  • Cultural change within organizations takes time and requires “buy in” from all stakeholders
  • Organizations adopting an agile methodology need to have the will to move away from a “command and control” mindset 
  • It is not enough to reorganize the individual teams working on parts of a project for agile; success requires that the entire product development organization be structured correctly
  • It's important to have clear role definitions during Scrum implementation; properly defined roles and goals enable team members to act as cross-team contributors and enables better coordination within the larger organization
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Epic Alignment - How the best Product Managers work...

Epic Alignment - How the best Product Managers work... | Devops for Growth |
As part of our own product development at Delibr, we interviewed over 300 Product Managers to understand how they work and collaborate around feature development, what problems they face, and the many approaches to solving those problems.
Mickael Ruau's insight:
Epic Alignment

How the best Product Managers work with feature documents

"This book will focus on some of the most critical skills. You’ll learn specific practices for building and maintaining alignment across team and stakeholders."

- Jeff Patton

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Product Development Strategy With Examples [2021 Guide]

Product Development Strategy With Examples [2021 Guide] | Devops for Growth |
Is your company missing out on the spectacular growth from innovating new product categories? Product development strategy is the key to unleashing a stream of offerings that drive growth.
Mickael Ruau's insight:
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Plusieurs product owner dans une équipe ?

Plusieurs product owner dans une équipe ? | Devops for Growth |
Contexte fréquent avec plusieurs product owner

En effet dans certaines structures, l’agilité n’est pas encore un pilier de sa culture. Et il n’est pas rare de voir des « dits » product owner qui ne sont pas liés à un produit mais à une expertise particulière sur de gros produits.

Et ce type d’organisation complexifie considérablement le travail des équipes qui tentent tant bien que mal à mettre du Scrum en place. Doit-on dire à ces équipes d’abandonner Scrum ou les aider à faire face à ce contexte ? Après tout, tout un travail de réorganisation peut se faire en parallèle pour améliorer ce contexte complexe.

Partant dans l’idée d’aider les équipes, nous allons voir quelques astuces non négligeable pour améliorer ce type de contexte.
Plusieurs product own
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Le Scrum Guide dit NON !

Alors si nous nous arrêtons sur le Scrum Guide, il est assez formel sur le sujet :

Une équipe Scrum comprend un Product Owner, une équipe de développement (Development Team) et un Scrum Master.

scrum guide fr

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(24) Event Storming : Modéliser son domaine métier

Julien vous présente une méthode agile : l'Event Storming.Elle vous permet de modéliser votre domaine métier en mettant en relation des profils technique
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Product Vision, Strategy, Roadmap

Product Vision, Strategy, Roadmap | Devops for Growth |
Product leaders often talk about product vision, product strategy, and product roadmap. However, how do you define these terms?
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Dépendances : 10 solutions concrètes pour els gérer dans votre équipe !

Dépendances : 10 solutions concrètes pour els gérer dans votre équipe ! | Devops for Growth |
Voici les 10 Solutions concrètes pour gérer les dépendances :
1- Board de dépendances programmées
2- Bloqueurs visualisés
3- Surveiller les temps systémiques d'attente
4- Simulez vos interfaces
5- Supprimer les dépendances environnementales
6- Ne gérez pas vos dépendances, cassez les !
7- Utiliser des politiques explicites pour accélérer
8- Intégrez vos dépendances dans votre backlog
9- Gérer les deux extrémités de la dépendance
10- Utiliser une Dependency Map
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You can do these 7 things in your first 30 days as a product manager | by Sandeep Chadda | The Startup | Dec, 2021

You can do these 7 things in your first 30 days as a product manager | by Sandeep Chadda | The Startup | Dec, 2021 | Devops for Growth |
I have worked on many new products in my career as a product manager. Every time I start with a new product, I get sweaty palms and an adrenalin rush. Sweaty palms because of the ambiguity of the…
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Learn Wardley Mapping

Learn Wardley Mapping | Devops for Growth |

Is your purpose and strategy unclear?
Are your teams struggling to see where they fit?
Is their hard work wasted?

Wardley Mapping is an open, visual approach to strategic leadership.

Building competence, clarity, and alignment… one sketch at a time.

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Grille des tarifs 2021 : Les Coachs agiLes freelances

Grille des tarifs 2021 : Les Coachs agiLes freelances | Devops for Growth |
Tarif jour moyen

sur la base des Coachs agiles expérimentés actifs*

*actifs sur Malt les 3 derniers mois
Tarif jour moyenpar niveau d’expérience
0-2 ans d'expérience

120€ et - Tarif moyen : 372€ 1 210€ et +
2-7 ans d'expérience

120€ et - Tarif moyen : 512€ 1 010€ et +
7 ans et + d'expérience

250€ et - Tarif moyen : 745€ 1 510€ et +
Synthèse des tarifs jour moyen pour les profils expérimentéspar spécialités sur Malt

Coachs agiles
Product managers
Scrum masters
Chefs de projet

Synthèse des tarifs jour moyen par villeen France sur Malt
Spécialité Tarif jour moyen Paris Lyon Bordeaux Lille Marseille
Coachs agiles 745€ 792€ 728€ 619€ 667€ 657€
Product managers 682€ 725€ 628€ 579€ 627€ 580€
Scrum masters 677€ 721€ 610€ 578€ 602€ 589€
Chefs de projet 643€ 691€ 591€ 547€ 608€ 554€
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Expedia Business Model: Getting Disintermediated By Google

Expedia Business Model: Getting Disintermediated By Google | Devops for Growth |
Born in 1996 as a travel platform of Microsoft, it would be spun off later on. Expedia became among the largest online travel agencies (OTAs) which comprises a set of brands that go from, Vrbo, Orbits, CheapTickets, ebookers, Travelocity, Trivago and others. The company follows a multi-brand strategy.
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New Product Development (NPD): New Product Development Process In A Nutshell

New Product Development (NPD): New Product Development Process In A Nutshell | Devops for Growth |
Product development, known as new product development process comprises a set of steps that go from idea generation to post launch review, which help companies analyze the various aspects of launching new products and bringing them to market. It comprises idea generation, screening, testing; business case analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization and post launch review.
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Accelerate your path to Product Excellence

Accelerate your path to Product Excellence | Devops for Growth |
Product leaders from over 20 companies share what it takes to build truly excellent products in Productboard’s new eBook, “The Path to Product Excellence.”
Mickael Ruau's insight:

We collected advice from over twenty product leaders about what it takes to build truly excellent products. Get inspired and learn how you can apply these ideas to your teams!

Download now for free!


What’s inside

Does your team have the right tools, processes, and thinking not only to create a great product but also to keep delivering memorable product experiences? In this eBook, our contributors talk about what they’ve learned.

  • Discover the real problems facing your customers
  • Define and focus your strategy and goals
  • Build, align, and rally your teams to execute your roadmap
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Product Management Secrets of Successful Tech Companies

Product Management Secrets of Successful Tech Companies | Devops for Growth |
Learn product management best practices from leading tech companies to develop the products that customers want.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Best Practices for Revenue Growth

CEOs consistently rank revenue growth among their top priorities, which puts product leaders on the front lines of enabling success. How can product management leaders ensure they deliver on their promises to customers and executive leadership?

Gartner research shows time and again that growth companies “do” product management differently than stagnating or declining firms. 

This e-book shares best practices from leading tech companies to develop products that customers want.

Complete the form to get your free copy. 

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What Is a Barbell Strategy? Barbell Strategy Applied To Business

What Is a Barbell Strategy? Barbell Strategy Applied To Business | Devops for Growth |

A Barbell strategy consists of making sure that 90% of your capital is safe, and use the remaining 10%, or on risky investments. Applied to business strategy, this means having a binary approach. On the one hand, extremely conservative. On the other, extremely aggressive, thus creating a potent mix.

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Product Management TACTICS | Free eBook

Product Management TACTICS | Free eBook | Devops for Growth |
The latest volume of TACTICS uncovers insights from 15 product leaders from across the world.
Mickael Ruau's insight:
The latest volume of Product Management TACTICS uncovers insights from 15 product leaders from throughout North America and Europe.
Product Principles
Using Customer Data
Product Roadmaps
Avoid Becoming a
'Feature Factory'
When Moving Fast Helps
Managing Products at Scale

Product Management TACTICS is packed full insights from the most highly respected product leaders around today.

Each book features contributions gleaned from presentations made at INDUSTRY: The Product Conference, held each year in Cleveland, Ohio in the Fall and Dublin, Ireland in the Spring. We've captured the highlights, dissecting the most critical points just for you. In most cases, we even include links to the live presentations so you can continue the learning.
Get eBook
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