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Pour ou contre la programmation en binôme ? Les acteurs de la filière du développement dispersés entre divers avis : Moyen de partage de connaissances ? gaspillage de ressource humaine ?

Pour ou contre la programmation en binôme ? Les acteurs de la filière du développement dispersés entre divers avis : Moyen de partage de connaissances ? gaspillage de ressource humaine ? | Devops for Growth |
Programmer en binôme c’est se retrouver assis devant un écran d’ordinateur à deux et passer la journée à résoudre en tandem des problèmes en lien avec des projets informatiques. La pratique divise dans l’univers du développement de logiciels. Certains managers sont d’avis que leurs entreprises ont à gagner du partage de connaissances entre développeurs en duo. D’autres leur opposent le fait que l’approche implique un gaspillage de ressources humaines. La liste des points de contradiction es
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EXLskills Live Coding Interviews: App Reviews, Features, Pricing & Download

EXLskills Live Coding Interviews: App Reviews, Features, Pricing & Download | Devops for Growth |
Leading real-time platform for conducting live developer interviews with video, code editing and execution, and screensharing, with an audience of over a million developers already on EXLskills
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Remote Pair Programming: 7 Collaborative Coding Tools - SitePoint

Remote Pair Programming: 7 Collaborative Coding Tools - SitePoint | Devops for Growth |
Whether you work on a distributed team or just have the occasional problem-solving session with a friend, you'll find a remote pair programming tool here.
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Software Design: Tidy First?

Software design is an exercise in human relationships.
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How pair programming can strengthen teams

In software teams how pair programming can strengthen teams
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Everything you wanted to know about PairProgramming but were afraid …

(Previously called PairProgramming is like sex) I created this presentation to explain to IT students what is PairProgramming. The second part of my talk they …
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dillonkearns/mobster: Pair and mob programming timer for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

dillonkearns/mobster: Pair and mob programming timer for Mac, Windows, and Linux. | Devops for Growth |

A mob/pair programming timer, inspired by the MobProgramming/MobTimer.Python. Runs great on Mac, Windows, and Linux. Learn all about mobbing at the MobTimer.Python github page, and at

Mobster was built with delight in Elm and Electron


RPG Mode

You can play through the mob programming RPG to practice mobbing skills with your team. This is a port of Willem Larsen's excellent Mob Programming RPG. This is a fantastic way to learn about some of the subtleties that are essential to effective mobbing, such as the Driver/Navigator Pattern (also known as Strong-Style).

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Never Develop Alone - Always with a partner

In February 2016, I celebrated my 4th anniversary developing using full-time pair-programming. By full-time I mean that when I arrive in the morning at work I …
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Pair programming anti patterns

Pair programming offers an extensive list of benefits. While it still remains a controversial practice, many teams have adopted pair programming

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Etiquette for Pair Programming - DZone Agile

Etiquette for Pair Programming - DZone Agile | Devops for Growth |
A developer explains the benefits that pair programming can have in an Agile environment, and some pitfalls to look out for when doing pair programming.
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I did mob programming every day for 5 months. Here’s what I learnt.

Whoever gave Mob Programming its name clearly wasn’t in marketing. Who would want to be in a mob? 

Mickael Ruau's insight:

So what exactly is mob programming? Put simply: 3 (or more) developers, one keyboard. No, that’s not something weird that you’ve seen on the internet. It’s about working collaboratively towards delivering high quality software.

Given that most programmers get in hot sweats just thinking about the idea of working with other people, I’ll delve into more detail as to what that looks like. Imagine we have a developer, Steve. Steve works on an app where users can view recipes. One day Steve is tasked with adding a ‘favourite’ feature to the app. With this feature users are able to save recipes to a a private list called ‘my favorites’. If they want to view a saved recipe again, they can simply open the favorite list and select the recipe.

Steve wants to use mob programming to implement his feature, so he books a meeting room and asks his colleagues John and Sarah to join him in a mob. John and Sarah show up to the meeting laptops in hand, ready to take on the challenge of the favorites feature.

So at this point, Steve needs to lay down some rules (yes mobs have rules). The rules might be something like this:

  1. At any given time one person is the ‘Driver’. The driver is the person with the keyboard and mouse, the driver is the only person allowed to modify the code.
  2. Everyone else takes the role of the ‘Navigator’. Whilst the driver spends a lot of their time occupied with the physical task of typing, the Navigator has all the time they need to think, review, discuss, describe. And that’s exactly what the navigator should do.
  3. Everybody swaps roles — often. No, this isn’t some ‘everybody gets to play’ stuff you heard in primary school. If people stay in one role for too long they can become fatigued. if they have a favourite role then when they’re not in it they can become bored.

And that’s it — you now know about mob programming. Add it to your CV.


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Cross-Programming : Forging the future of programming

Cross-Programming : Forging the future of programming talk at Conférence Agile France
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Branch based vs Trunk based development

Branch based vs Trunk based development | Devops for Growth |
How to choose the right branching strategy for your project
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Choosing the right branching model can save you a lot of time in development. It also helps your dev team to work efficiently.

Coming to the point, we are gonna discuss two branching models today

  1. Branch based

  2. Trunk based


Branch based development

This is a very common strategy and most of them know it.

You have a stable branch like a master.

Then you have a feature branch like develop.

So whenever you develop new features or fix any bugs, you take a branch from develop and finish your work.

Then you raise a PR to the feature branch. After the code review, the branch will be merged.

When you have finalized the changes, then you merge the feature branch to master for the main release.

I know how common it is. Most of the open-source software use this method.


Trunk based development

On the other side, trunk based development doesn’t use branches or has very limited use of branches.

You have the main branch like master

Every developer will do all the changes in the main branch and push it directly to the main branch.

There are no PRs, branches, merge conflicts.

Just push directly to the main branch.


Seems very dangerous right?

With trunk-based development, you mostly can’t control who pushes the code and which code is being merged to the stable branch.

But there are things we have to consider with Trunk based development.

Trunk based development is useful when you want to deliver software in a fast phase.

And this method is always accompanied by best practices in writing software like TDD, CI/CD integration, Automation testing, high code coverage, pair programming, etc.

Trunk based development is a required practice of Continuous Integration (CI). With CI you get a deployment pipeline where you can run all tests and other integration jobs and safely deploy the code to production.

Most companies who are practicing CI often welcome Trunk based strategy.

Trunk based development is often practiced in a group of professional engineers. Because they have experience in writing software and know the best practices often. This comes with a high advantage.

Imagine a small group of professional engineers (maybe 10) who know best practices in development like TDD, Automation testing, etc, and are following Trunk based development. This group can deliver software in a fast and efficient way to its full potential.

This type of development is highly encouraged in Agile methodologies where you have to ship software frequently to get feedback often.

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JetBrains Fleet: App Reviews, Features, Pricing & Download

JetBrains Fleet: App Reviews, Features, Pricing & Download | Devops for Growth |
Built from scratch, based on 20 years of experience developing IDEs. Fleet uses the IntelliJ code-processing engine, with a distributed IDE architecture and a reimagined UI.


We built Fleet to be a fast and lightweight text editor for when you need to quickly browse and edit your code. It starts up in seconds so you can begin working immediately, and it can easily transform into an IDE, with the IntelliJ code-processing engine running separately from the editor itself.

…and IDE-smart

Fleet inherits the things that developers love the most from IntelliJ-based IDEs – project and context aware code completion, navigation to definitions and usages, on-the-fly code quality checks, and quick-fixes.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Distributed for flexibility

Fleet’s architecture is designed to support a range of configurations and workflows. You can simply run Fleet just on your machine, or move some of the processes elsewhere – for example by locating the code processing in the cloud.

Collaborative to the maximum

With Fleet you can work on code together with others. Fleet allows much more than just sharing the editor. You can share terminals and debugging sessions, perform code reviews, explore the code, and many other things – all with the zero setup.

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Via Negativa : Revues, Binômage, Team Programming | OCTO Talks !

Via Negativa : Revues, Binômage, Team Programming | OCTO Talks ! | Devops for Growth |

À l’instar des autres pratiques de développement, la revue de code ou le mob programming ne peuvent pas se mettre en place indépendamment de considérations sur la culture de l’entreprise qui souhaite encourager ces pratiques. Certaines cultures d’entreprise favorisent activement la formation d’équipes en cohésion (principalement en ne plaçant pas d’obstacles à leur formation). Dans d’autres cultures, la notion même d’équipe est dénuée de signification réelle. De la même manière qu’aucune pratique de développement ne saurait être « copiée/collée » d’une entreprise à l’autre sans considération du contexte, il est apparent que toutes les entreprises ne sont pas égales devant le défi que constitue le développement d’un logiciel de qualité. La présence ou non des revues de code dans leur corpus de pratiques est à mon sens une preuve de cette inégalité.

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Pourquoi le Pair Programming est difficile à mettre en place

Pourquoi le Pair Programming est difficile à mettre en place | Devops for Growth |
Travailler en Pair Programming permet d'améliorer la qualité d'un logiciel et la collaboration des membres d'une équipe, mais cela peut être compliqué à mettre en place. Quelles sont les raisons qui rendent cela difficile et comment déterminer les bonnes pratiques de Pair Programming pour votre équipe.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Marcos explique un exercice de rétrospective appelé "Cette personne et cette personne" pour conclure sur une liste de bonnes pratiques de Pair Programming. C'est à l'origine une activité de rétrospective postée par Paulo Caroli, coach Agile chez ThoughtWorks et Taina TC Caetano, développeur consultant chez ThoughtWorks.

Divisez un mur en deux sections, "Ne soyez pas cette personne" et "Cette personne déchire !" : dans la première, les membres de l'équipe écrivent un exemple de comportement qu'ils n'ont pas aimé, dans la seconde des exemples de ce qu'ils ont vraiment aimé.

Laissez ensuite l'équipe discuter de chaque exemple. La conversation devrait tourner autour du ressenti de l'équipe concernant certains comportements, les membres sont-ils d'accord que c'est une bonne chose à faire ? Dans certains cas, le comportement peut être apparent. Mais dans d'autres cas, cela peut mériter plus amples discussions.

Je vois cette activité comme une bonne façon de booster le moral de l'équipe. Avoir cette conversation mène généralement les gens vers une plus grande ouverture vers les autres, ce qui mène à plus de conversations. Une bonne manière de prendre la température d'une équipe est d'observer à quel point les membres communiquent. Une équipe silencieuse est souvent synonyme de déconnexion et d'un manque de partage d'informations.

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PairProgramming workshop by Yves Hanoulle & Geike Hanoulle #AgileIndia2019

In a way, pair programming is like riding a bicycle. You could read a book about it, you could watch videos of other people doing it, but you can only really learn it by doing it.

This workshop not only gives people a chance to experience pair programming, but to examine that experience in depth and see how their practice can be improved.

The “promiscuous pairing” technique is used, followed by an extended feedback session where participants analyse the strengths of pairing, and look at how they can improve their interactions with their colleagues.

More details:

Conference Link:
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Why Agile Software Development Techniques Work: Improved Feedback

Why Agile Software Development Techniques Work: Improved Feedback | Devops for Growth |
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Remote Pair Programming Made Easy with VSCode Live Share

Remote Pair Programming Made Easy with VSCode Live Share | Devops for Growth |
Visual Studio Code's Live Share extension brings remote collaboration to the IDE and its huge user base.
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Mon équipe, Moi et le Pair Programming à temps complet

Ne pas avoir son propre ordinateur mais partager le même ordinateur avec son binôme : voilà ce qui explique le pair-programming à temps complet.

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Practical Styles of Pair Programming — Xebia Blog

Without exception in all teams I’ve developed software in people have expressed their aversion against pair programming. It’s not that developers don’t want to try, or that they don’t believe it will help. On the contrary, they are usually very enthusiastic about trying it and give it more than a fair chance. After a few days they sit alone behind their keyboard coding like zombies with headphones. What’s going on? Is pair programming too hard? Doesn’t it pay off? In this post I’ll try to explain what I think is happening, and I will give you some clear pointers to avoid the traps. At the end I will go into distributed teams and what part of the game changes there.

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Pair Programming: The Most Extreme XP Practice - DZone Agile

Pair Programming: The Most Extreme XP Practice - DZone Agile | Devops for Growth |
If you have never tried Pair Programming, try it. Give it a couple of weeks before assuming that you know enough to say it doesn’t work for you.
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Buddy Programming - DZone Agile

Buddy Programming - DZone Agile | Devops for Growth |
When I encounter a team that’s reluctant to try pairing, sometimes I’ll suggest another technique that I call buddy programming.
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Limitations et extensions des méthodes agiles — Wikipédia

Limitations et extensions des méthodes agiles - Wikipédia

Les méthodes agiles sont des groupes de pratiques pouvant s'appliquer à divers types de projets, mais se limitant plutôt actuellement aux projets de développement en informatique ( conception de logiciel). Les méthodes agiles ne sont pas apparues avec le Manifeste agile en 2001 mais celui-ci détermine leur dénominateur commun (consacre le terme d'" agile " pour les référencer).

Mickael Ruau's insight:


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