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Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Feature Flipping | OCTO Talks !

Les Patterns des Grands du Web – Feature Flipping | OCTO Talks ! | Devops for Growth |

Le pattern « feature flipping » permet d’activer et désactiver des fonctionnalités directement en production, sans re-livraison de code.

Plusieurs termes sont utilisés par les grands du web : Flickr et Etsy utilisent des « feature flags », Facebook des « gatekeepers », Forrst des « feature buckets », des « features bits » chez Lyris inc., alors que Martin Fowler opte pour des « feature toggles ».


Bref, chacun le nomme et l’implémente à sa manière mais dans l’idée toutes ces techniques rejoignent les mêmes objectifs. Dans cet article, nous utiliserons le terme « feature flipping ».  Mis en œuvre avec succès sur notre solution de store privé Appaloosa, cette technique a apporté de nombreux bénéfices pour quelques inconvénients.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Une des premiers avantages de pouvoir activer et désactiver des fonctionnalités à chaud est de livrer en continu l’application en production. En effet, les organisations qui mettent en place un processus de livraison continue sont vite confrontées à un problème : comment commiter fréquemment sur le référentiel de source tout en garantissant la stabilité de l’application, toujours prête pour la production ? Dans le cas de développements de fonctionnalités qui ne peuvent être terminés en moins d’une journée, commiter la fonctionnalité seulement lorsqu’elle est terminée (au bout de quelques jours) est contraire aux bonnes pratiques de développement en intégration continue. En effet, plus les commits sont espacés, plus les merges sont complexes et risqués, et les possibilités de refactoring transverse limitées. Face à cette contrainte, deux possibilités : « feature branching » ou « feature flipping ». En d’autres termes, brancher via l’outil de gestion de configuration ou brancher dans le code. Le débat entre ces deux approches est passionné, vous pouvez trouver quelques avis ici :

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Rapid release at massive scale

Rapid release at massive scale | Devops for Growth |

The development and deployment processes at Facebook have grown organically to encompass many parts of these rapid iteration techniques without rigidly adhering to any one in particular. This flexible, pragmatic approach has allowed us to release our web and mobile products successfully on rapid schedules.

Mickael Ruau's insight:


This quasi-continuous release cycle comes with several advantages:

It eliminates the need for hotfixes. In the three-push-a-day system, if a critical change had to get out and it wasn’t during one of the scheduled push times, someone had to call for a hotfix. These out-of-band pushes were disruptive because they usually needed some human action and could bump into the next scheduled push. With the new system, the vast majority of things that would have required a hotfix can simply be committed to master and pushed in the next release.

It allows better support for a global engineering team. We tried to schedule the three daily pushes to accommodate our engineering offices around the world, but even with that effort the weekly push required all engineers to pay attention at a specific date and time that was not always convenient in their time zone. The new quasi-continuous system means all engineers everywhere in the world can develop and deliver their code when it makes sense for them.

It provides a forcing function to develop the next generation of tools, automation, and processes necessary to allow the company to scale. When we take on projects like this, it works as a pressure test across many teams and systems. We made improvements to our push tools, our diff review tools, our testing infrastructure, our capacity management system, our traffic routing systems, and many other areas. These teams all came together because they wanted to see the main project of a faster push cycle succeed. The improvements we made will help ensure the company is ready for future growth.

It makes the user experience better, faster. When it takes days or weeks to see how code will behave, engineers may have already moved on to something new. With continuous delivery, engineers don’t have to wait a week or longer to get feedback about a change they made. They can learn more quickly what doesn’t work, and deliver small enhancements as soon as they are ready instead of waiting for the next big release. From an infrastructure perspective, this new system puts us in a much better position to react to rare events that might impact people. Ultimately, this brings engineers closer to users and improves both product development and product reliability.

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La vélocité, une mesure utile!

La vélocité, une mesure utile! | Devops for Growth |
C'est un indicateur qui a pour but d’aider l’équipe de développement lors des séances de planification à évaluer la quantité de travail pour le sprint.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Ce plan de livraison sera mis à jour au cours de chaque revue de sprint (« Sprint Review ») en tenant compte de la mise à jour de l’indicateur. Ceci permet, à la fin de chaque sprint, d’inspecter et d’adapter (« Inspect & Adapt ») le carnet de produit et de réorienter les efforts.

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The Birth of Continuous Delivery and DevOps

The Birth of Continuous Delivery and DevOps | Devops for Growth |

At GOTO Amsterdam 2014 conference, agile coach Dan North shared his experience as part of a build team employed in a client project back in 2005. The team introduced several (technical and cultural) practices that became core tenets of the Continuous Delivery book and of the DevOpsmovement (for instance bridging the gap between development and ops teams was critical to success in that project).

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Interview and Book Review: Continuous Delivery and DevOps - A Quickstart Guide

Interview and Book Review: Continuous Delivery and DevOps - A Quickstart Guide | Devops for Growth |
The book “Continuous Delivery and DevOps: A Quickstart Guide”, by Paul Swartout, addresses these and other questions (such as how to identify pain points across the entire product development pipeline, not just in particular activities) in a concise and straightforward way, without much technical jargon. It is a book written by a manager who understood how CD and DevOps can help organizations deliver faster.
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Build Continuous Delivery In | Architects Zone

Build Continuous Delivery In | Architects Zone | Devops for Growth |

Continuous Delivery = 95% organisation, 5% automation

Mickael Ruau's insight:

While Continuous Delivery has a well-defined value proposition and a seminal bookon how to implement a deployment pipeline, there is a dearth of information on how to transform an organisation for Continuous Delivery.

Despite its culture-focussed principles and an adoption process described by Jez Humble as ”organisational-architecture-process not tools-code-infrastructure“, many Continuous Delivery initiatives fail to emphasise an organisational model in which software is always releasable.

This contravenes Lean Thinking and the Deming 95/5 Rule – that 95% of problems are attributable to system faults, while only 5% are due to special causes of variation. Building an automated deployment pipeline can eliminate the 5% of special causes of variation in our value stream (e.g. release failures), but it cannot address the remaining 95% of problems caused by our organisation structure (e.g. wait times between silos). 

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2014 Guide to Continuous Delivery - DZone

2014 Guide to Continuous Delivery - DZone | Devops for Growth |

DZone's next research guide covers the benefits of Continuous Delivery and DevOps and the strategies organizations use to adopt these practices. This guide also provides comparison data for choosing the right technology for your Continuous Delivery toolchain.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Solution categories include:

  • Continuous Integration
  • Configuration Management
  • Application Release Automation

What's in this guide?

  • Key Product and Vendor Differentiators For 36 Continuous Delivery Solutions
  • Articles Written By Industry Experts
  • How Successful Companies Make Decisions
  • Survey Results of Over 500 Developers
  • Checklist For Potential Continuous Delivery Solution Providers
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Experiences from Measuring the DevOps Four Key Metrics: Identifying Areas for Improvement

Experiences from Measuring the DevOps Four Key Metrics: Identifying Areas for Improvement | Devops for Growth |
Measuring the four key metrics of IT helped a company to assess the performance of their software delivery process. Continuous observation of these metrics supports decisions on where to invest and guides performance improvements.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


The four key metrics are Deployment Frequency (the frequency at which new releases go to production), Lead Time For Changes (the time until a commit goes to production), Mean Time to Restore (the time it takes to resolve a service impairment in production) and Change Failure Rate (the ratio of deployments to production that leads to errors and successful deployments).

These metrics have a strong scientific background, Huber explained:

The four key metrics have been described in the book Accelerate (see the Q&A on Accelerate on InfoQ) and further improved in the State of DevOps Reports. The authors applied cluster analysis to their survey data and found out that these metrics can be used to categorize the performance of the software delivery process. For example: elite performers deploy on demand whereas low performers deploy between once per month and once in six months.

Measuring these metrics can help you to assess the performance of your software delivery process, Huber mentioned. As software delivery performance has a positive impact on your organizational performance, you can also work on improving your software delivery process by improving these metrics.

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Intégration continue, livraison continue et déploiement continu

Intégration continue, livraison continue et déploiement continu | Devops for Growth |

CI et CD sont deux acronymes souvent mentionnés lorsqu'il est fait référence aux pratiques actuelles de développement. L'acronyme CI est simple et signifie (Continuous Integration, intégration continue), une pratique qui vise à faciliter la préparation d'une livraison. CD peut signifier Continuous Delivery (livraison continue) ou Continuous Deployment (déploiement continu), et bien que ces deux pratiques aient beaucoup de choses en commun, elles présentent également une différence significative qui peut avoir des conséquences critiques pour une entreprise.

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Continuous Delivery Overview

Continuous Delivery Overview | Devops for Growth |
Continuous Delivery Overview is a concise, yet comprehensive overview of CD. It answers all your questions about the principles, practices, tools, and the business value proposition of continuous delivery. It also contains references to important CD resources and includes anecdotes from real-world implementations of continuous delivery to help you put CD into practice in your organization.
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Continuous Delivery for the Rest of Us

Continuous Delivery for the Rest of Us | Devops for Growth |
Lisa Van Gelder provides simple tips and tricks for improving delivery without investing lots of time up front creating complex deployment frameworks.
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Outils & astuces du continuous delivery

Outils & astuces du continuous delivery | Devops for Growth |
Après 2 jours passés à arpenter les couloirs de Devoxx France 2014, je décide de clôturer par la conférence animée par Pierre Chaussalet et Eric le Merdy concernant le continuous delivery.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Docker est en tout cas un des sujets qui a fait le plus de bruit cette année à Devoxxdans bon nombre de conférences : il y a donc fort à parier qu'il devienne tout comme Jenkins un maillon
indispensable dans la production de logiciel.

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Continuous Delivery Prep Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz - Free, professional tutorial guides for developers

Continuous Delivery Prep Cheat Sheet from DZone Refcardz - Free, professional tutorial guides for developers | Devops for Growth |
Preparing for Continuous Delivery
By Benjamin Wootton
Mickael Ruau's insight:
The Essential Continuous Delivery Prep Cheat Sheet
Continuous Delivery (CD) is a set of patterns and best practices that can help software teams dramatically improve the pace and quality of their software delivery. But because CD is also a paradigm shift, the transition to CD can be difficult. This Refcard is written to ease that transition, giving guidance, advice, and best practices to development and operations teams looking to move from traditional release cycles towards Continuous Delivery. Also includes a comprehensive checklist to ensure that your transition will proceed smoothly.
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