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Choix de la méthode de Gestion de Projet – Méthodologies Appliquées

Choix de la méthode de Gestion de Projet – Méthodologies Appliquées | Devops for Growth |
Le Framework Cynefin (prononcer cunévine) a été développé par Dave Snowden (chercheur gallois spécialisé en gestion des connaissances) en 1999, et a été beaucoup utilisé depuis pour décrire des problèmes, des situations et des systèmes.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

La frontière entre simple et chaotique est considérée comme catastrophique et Snowden indique qu’il faut essayer de se restreindre à rester au sein de systèmes situés entre “compliqués” et “complexes” et à n’aller vers des systèmes “simples” que ponctuellement, ces derniers étant vulnérables aux changements rapides et généralement catastrophiques.

L’agilité, sous toutes ses formes méthodologiques, n’est pas une panacée universelle. Elle est pertinente quand la situation à traiter est complexe et/ou chaotique, en tout ou partie. Le Framework Cynefin s’intègre dans un raisonnement plus global dans lequel on cherche à comprendre à quels besoins l’agilité tente de réponde.

Le cercle d’or ou « Golden Circle » de Simon Sinek synthétise ce questionnement : « Pourquoi » être agile, « Comment » se comporter pour être agile et « Que » veut dire être agile.

Cercle d’or Simon Sinek

Chacune de ces questions peut trouver une réponse en utilisant des outils tels que :

  • Avoir une meilleure compréhension (pourquoi) du travail en mode agile (VICA)
  • Comprendre sous quelles conditions (comment) et dans quel contexte cette agilité est essentielle (Cynefin)
  • Comprendre ce qui fait (quoi) qu’une méthode, Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban ou autre, est agile ou pas (OODA)

L’environnement technologique dans lequel nous vivons aujourd’hui est celui du changement permanent dont le rythme s’accélère de plus en plus. Pour qualifier cet environnement, l’armée américaine a inventé dans les années 1990 l’acronyme VUCA ou VICA en français :

  • V : Volatility (V : Volatilité)
  • U: Uncertainty (I : Incertitude)
  • C: Complexity (C : Complexité)
  • A: Ambiguity (A : Ambigüité)

Notre environnement est volatile (V) à cause de sa nature changeante. Nous ne sommes plus capables de prédire avec certitude à moyen et long termes, et même les prédictions à court terme sont souvent incertaines (I). Les technologies sont devenue complexes (C) et tout est devenu ambigu (A). Les événements passés, présents et futurs sont difficiles à comprendre en termes de causes et effets. Dans un tel environnement, beaucoup de choses sont trop complexes pour qu’on puisse toutes les traiter avec des approches prédictives et avec un haut degré de certitude. Cependant, selon le contexte dans lequel une organisation opère, il est possible que certaines décisions puissent se prendre avec un haut niveau de certitude. De fait, le niveau d’agilité requis n’est pas le même selon les situations.

La boucle OODA, ou « OODA loop », est un concept inventé en 1960 par le pilote de chasse John Boyd de l’United States Air Force pour conceptualiser sa facilité à battre tous ses élèves lors de simulations de combats aériens, en itérant rapidement quatre processus : « Observe, Orient, Decide and Act » (« observer, s’orienter, décider et agir »). Le principe de la boucle OODA est très proche du concept PDCA (Plan – Do – Check – Act) de la roue de Deming (William Edwards Deming, statisticien, professeur, auteur, et consultant américain), si ce n’est que OODA focalise plus sur la boucle propre à un compétiteur. Jeff Sutherland, le co-créateur de la méthode SCRUM, a déclaré que OODA était au cœur de la mentalité SCRUM.

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The Problem with Scrum Experts

The Problem with Scrum Experts | Devops for Growth |
By using an expert-less, community-driven approach, organizations are put in a position to thrive on complexity rather than being defeated by it.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Most likely, at the start of every Scrum kick-off or Scrum training, complexity and its consequences will be explained by using models like Stacey or Cynefin. Often, everyone agrees with its key takeaway that with complexity the unknown exceeds the known and an introduction of Scrum can be considered a complex endeavor as well.

Therefore, what strikes me the most is that…

  • Organizations continue to select large consultancy firms with ‘Scrum experts’ to lead their Scrum transformation. The most detailed transformation plan has the highest chance of being selected;
  • Scrum coaches continue to use fancy maturity models in which growth is a linear progression through a number of discrete phases. The expected growth looks the same across organizations, teams, and individuals;
  • Trainers continue to share ‘best practices’ — like Story Points and User Stories — in their classes, while they also start their classes explaining models like Stacey or Cynefin;
  • Students continue to attend classes with a core focus on providing answers to questions from the related assessment, with the only goal of getting everyone certified.

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Exaptation — Wikipédia

Exaptation - Wikipédia

Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Dans la théorie de l'évolution, l' exaptation est une adaptation sélective opportuniste, privilégiant des caractères qui sont utiles à une nouvelle fonction, pour laquelle ils n'avaient pas été initialement sélectionnés. Par exemple, les plumes des théropodes, initialement sélectionnées parce qu'elles assureraient leur thermorégulation, ont permis l'adaptation au vol.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Confusion entre pré-adaptation, adaptation et exaptation

Entre 1901 et 1909, Lucien Cuénot élabore la théorie de la préadaptation qui rencontrera moins de succès que celle de l'exaptation « plus conforme aux standards scientifiques du XXe siècle », la formulation de Cuénot étant trop téléologique selon Gould et Vrba. Ces deux concepts se révèlent complémentaires : « la préadaptation concernerait le caractère avec sa fonction d'origine tandis que l'exaptation concernerait le caractère avec sa fonction dérivée3 ».

Bien que les termes adaptation et exaptation soient souvent associés, ils ont des sens distincts :

  • Une adaptation est le développement d’un caractère doté d'une fonction particulière qui permet à l’organisme le possédant d’améliorer sa valeur sélective (fitness).
  • Une exaptation est le développement d’un caractère doté d'une fonction première qui, par la sélection naturelle, évolue au fil du temps pour jouer un tout nouveau rôle. Contrairement à l’adaptation, où la modification du phénotype (par exemple par le biais de mutations génétiques) est essentielle, l’exaptation n’amène aucun changement phénotypique.

Bien souvent, la littérature parle de l’exaptation comme d’un phénomène secondaire à l’adaptation. Toutefois, une adaptation peut également se produire à la suite d’une exaptation. On dit alors qu’un caractère subit une exaptation primaire, suivie d’une adaptation secondaire4.

Types d'exaptation

On considère généralement deux grands types d'exaptation4 :

  • Dans le premier type, un organe non modifié est réutilisé à l'identique pour une fonction manifestement non sélectionnée à l'origine (coaptation ou exaptation par cooption). C'est ainsi le cas de certaines zones du cerveau humain ; utilisées initialement pour la reconnaissance des formes, le langage ou l'audition, elles sont aujourd'hui réutilisées pour la lecture ou la musique. C'est également probablement le cas de la bipédie5.
  • Dans le second type, l'exaptation est une forme particulière d'adaptation naturelle, c'est-à-dire un ensemble de mutations génétiques sélectionnées par la sélection naturelle. Mais cette adaptation se fait sur la base d'un organe qui s'est initialement développé pour un tout autre usage. Le poumon des tétrapodes peut ainsi être considéré comme une exaptation : apparu chez des poissons comme une adaptation à des milieux aquatiques hypoxiques ou bien oxygénés (en lien dans ce dernier cas avec les besoins accrus en oxygène du cœur6,7), il se serait secondairement modifié pour fonctionner en milieu purement terrestre.
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Overwhelmed by complexity – advice from someone who knows how it feels

Overwhelmed by complexity – advice from someone who knows how it feels | Devops for Growth |
I joined the Cynefin Centre seven months ago, and with a background in health systems felt well versed to take on what complexity thinking had to throw at me.However, joining the world of anthro-complexity, sense-making, and complex adaptive systems has opened up a universe of possibilities and explorations...
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New versions of Cynefin in 3D —

New versions of Cynefin in 3D — | Devops for Growth |

I have heard that a few of you use my illustrations of the Cynefin Framework in 3D that is great! I also heard that there is a need to get a more slimmed down version so now I created three versions of it, Basic, Basic with transactions and Full version. I hope you will like it.

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Uncertainty, Agile and the Cynefin Framework | | Chicago web strategy, design, Drupal development, consulting

Uncertainty, Agile and the Cynefin Framework | | Chicago web strategy, design, Drupal development, consulting | Devops for Growth |
We deliver better results for our clients when we embrace uncertainty with an Agile mindset.
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Decision-making techniques for self-organised project teams – Part 1

Mickael Ruau's insight:


The following graphic shows the Stacey Matrix with the corresponding action competences and the corresponding decision techniques from the Cynefin Framework:


A total of 21 decision techniques are assigned to the systems here. However, this does not claim to be complete.

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Diversity and Complexity | Princeton University Press

Diversity and Complexity | Princeton University Press | Devops for Growth |

This book provides an introduction to the role of diversity in complex adaptive systems. A complex system — such as an economy or a tropical ecosystem — consists of interacting adaptive entities that produce dynamic patterns and structures. Diversity plays a different role in a complex system than it does in an equilibrium system, where it often merely produces variation around the mean for performance measures. In complex adaptive systems, diversity makes fundamental contributions to system performance.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Scott Page gives a concise primer on how diversity happens, how it is maintained, and how it affects complex systems. He explains how diversity underpins system level robustness, allowing for multiple responses to external shocks and internal adaptations; how it provides the seeds for large events by creating outliers that fuel tipping points; and how it drives novelty and innovation. Page looks at the different kinds of diversity — variations within and across types, and distinct community compositions and interaction structures — and covers the evolution of diversity within complex systems and the factors that determine the amount of maintained diversity within a system.


    • Provides a concise and accessible introduction


    • Shows how diversity underpins robustness and fuels tipping points


    • Covers all types of diversity


  • The essential primer on diversity in complex adaptive systems
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Stacey Matrix Mis-used Again!

Stacey Matrix Mis-used Again! | Devops for Growth |

I first heard of the Stacey Matrix when taking my Agile Scrum Product Owner certification course. It was heralded as a means to determine when to use Agile and when to use traditional Waterfall software development methodologies.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Here's how I remember the diagram:
The problem with this diagram is that there is no difference between "What" and "How". To me this is just hype that says "Agile is better". The message is: the more complicated a project, the more you need Agile. The message defeated the purpose of having a 2x2 matrix, it made it into a one-dimension line, from lower-left to upper-right. There was no difference between the horizontal or vertical dimensions. It positioned Waterfall in the lower left corner and Agile in the upper right. The message was that unless you have a simple project (lower left), you need Agile.

Really? Do you think you could get Waterfall proponents to agree to that? The same folks who develop little programs like operating systems and database engines? Again, I'm an Agile proponent, but I am faced with a challenge of addressing the morale of software developers with a long history of successful Waterfall projects. Developers in general are typically smart folks. Repeating any kind of hype or religion would only remove me from their list of trusted sources. There was no explanation 

So after the course I did a little research and was not surprised to find that Ralph D Stacey himself had no intention of using his Matrix to make this decision. On the Ralph Stacey Wikipedia page it says that Stacey "dropped the diagram and now argues against it's use". As much as I like Agile I can't explain why the methodology appears to have such a need to sell itself and to inflate the importance of it's origins. 

Well as long as everyone else is mis-using the Matrix I may as well join in. I figure once you put a concept out there you can't take it back. From my experience I propose that Waterfall methodology does have a place, and it is in the upper left quadrant of the Matrix (this is where you have agreement on what, but now how). The lower right quadrant is better for Agile methodology (where you have agreement on how, but not what). The upper right quadrant (chaos) is just as bad for both methodologies, and the lower left quadrant (simplicity) is equally good for both.
Why? There is a big difference between knowing what you want to build and knowing how to build it.
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How responsive is your crisis response plan?

How responsive is your crisis response plan? | Devops for Growth |
A crisis response plan driven by tight feedback loops keep employees' needs front and center as you navigate a rapidly changing reality. Here's how.
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Quatre styles de prise de décision et quand les utiliser — Wiki Agile du @GroupeCESI

Quatre styles de prise de décision et quand les utiliser — Wiki Agile du @GroupeCESI | Devops for Growth |
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Applying Cynefin in Agile Retrospective

Applying Cynefin in Agile Retrospective | Devops for Growth |
Sense-making can prevent teams from jumping to the first solution that comes to mind. Cynefin helps teams decide what to do in their retrospective after informed sense-making. Facilitators can use Cynefin to enhance transitions from gathering data to generating insights in retrospectives.
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Why Life Can’t Be Simpler

Why Life Can’t Be Simpler | Devops for Growth |
We’d all like life to be simpler. But we also don’t want to sacrifice our options and capabilities. Tesler’s law of the conservation of complexity, a rule from design, explains why we can’t have both. Here’s how the law can help us create better products and services by rethinking simplicity.
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MANAGEMENT YOGI: Cynefin Framework, Risks and Agile: Known-Knowns, Known-Unknowns, Unknown-Unknowns and Unknowable-Unknowns

MANAGEMENT YOGI: Cynefin Framework, Risks and Agile: Known-Knowns, Known-Unknowns, Unknown-Unknowns and Unknowable-Unknowns | Devops for Growth |
managementyogi, pmp, rmp, acp, pfmp, camp, pgmp, ms project, management, primavera, risk, agile, champ, books, videos, leadership
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Le PMP indique que les approches prédictives et en cascade ne fonctionnent que dans les contextes simples.
Dans les contextes compliqués, les approches itératives ou incrémentales sont les mieux adaptées.
Dans les contextes complexes, les approches itératives et incrémentales sont les mieux adaptées.

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CYNEFIN framework will help determine when to apply agile

CYNEFIN framework will help determine when to apply agile | Devops for Growth |
The CYNEFIN framework helps to determine the nature of the cases handled and to choose the optimal way to deal with them.
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Le modèle "Cynefin", un outil précieux pour tout manager

Le modèle "Cynefin", un outil précieux pour tout manager | Devops for Growth |
Présentation du modèle Cynefin de Dave Snowden comme outil de management pour tous les dirigeants.
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cynefin-community/awesome-cynefin: Useful Cynefin framework resources

cynefin-community/awesome-cynefin: Useful Cynefin framework resources | Devops for Growth |
Useful Cynefin framework resources. Contribute to cynefin-community/awesome-cynefin development by creating an account on GitHub.
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The, Naturalising Sense-Making wiki that almost anyone can edit.
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Decision-making techniques for self-organised project teams – Part 2

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Three decision-making techniques for simple, complicated and complex decisions

In the Cynefin model you will find a total of 21 different decision-making techniques (please see Part 1). In the following I describe three decision-making techniques in detail. These belong respectively to the categories simple, complicated and complex:

  • Priority Pin (simple)
  • Morphological Box (complicated)
  • Utility Analysis (complex)

I will describe other decision-making techniques in subsequent blog posts.

Priority Pin


Setting priorities.


Comparing evaluation criteria in pairs shows the relationships between criteria and their importance.


Each criterion is compared in pairs with every other criterion. The priority pin is always helpful if the criteria to be considered are always to be ranked according to their comparison with each other.

The priority pin is suitable for simple decisions. It can be used by an individual or by a team of 4 – 5 members (flip chart). The number of criteria should not exceed 9.


The criteria are collected by brainstorming and written down one below the other. This is followed by the drawing of the pencil. Each criterion is assigned to a letter from A – I if necessary. Now the individual criteria are compared in pairs and the letter of the more important criterion is written in the corresponding field. The letters are counted and thus the ranking of the criteria is determined.


Purchase of a car.


Morphological Box


Setting priorities.


Since in a morphological box a decision problem is broken down into a large number of individual parts and as many solutions as possible are developed for each individual part and combined with each other, the morphological box is well suited to make the complexity of the decision situation transparent and to find creative solutions.


Complex tasks are reduced to their sub-elements and presented in an order scheme in one column below the other. For each of these sub-elements, further partial solutions are then sought line by line, independently of the problem, and systematically varied with each other. Basically, the morphological box stimulates the understanding of a holistic view of an issue and promotes a creative examination of the decision topic. Especially in interdisciplinary project teams, the structure of the method gives enough space to discover different perspectives and solution levels.


  1. Analysis and formulation of the question.
  2. Determination of all factors influencing the question.
  3. Determination of all characteristics / criteria for the influencing factors.
  4. Compilation of a morphological matrix.
  5. Compilation and analysis of all possible alternatives.
  6. Evaluation and selection of the best solution.


Design of a seminar concept.


Utility Analysis / Decision Matrix


Setting priorities.


The utility analysis / decision matrix is particularly suitable for situations in which a higher number of criteria have to be considered simultaneously.


Different decision alternatives are to be evaluated relative to each other and the best solution with the highest utility value compared to the alternatives is to be found. The basic idea is to develop binding and weighted evaluation criteria for the decision options and then to prioritise the decision options with the help of these criteria.


The question must be clearly defined in order to then determine the criteria according to which the various alternatives are to be evaluated. The next step is to weight the criteria in terms of their importance.

The following points are to be delineated from the respective perspective of goal and framework:

  • Necessity versus usefulness
  • Necessity criterion versus desirability criterion

Each alternative is checked whether it fulfils these criteria or not. If an alternative does not fulfil a necessary / must criterion and if fulfilment cannot be achieved with a reasonable effort, the alternative is to be deleted.

In order to find out which of the remaining alternatives most closely fulfils all the conditions, the alternative that best fulfils the wish is selected for each criterion and evaluated with a scale score of 10 points. The alternatives are measured against this and rated lower relative to it (or the same if they are identical). A scale of 10 – 0 is suitable here. Alternatively, the ranking can also be determined.


Selection decision for a car purchase.


In the above example, all 3 vehicles have achieved the must criteria or necessary, therefore the desired criteria / usefulness are the deciding factor as to which vehicle “wins” the decision. The vehicle with the highest GW value (weighting of the condition x value of the alternative) and thus the best alternative is the “Colt” with 312 points.

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Separated by a common language?

Separated by a common language? | Devops for Growth |

It is also worth reading the 2019 St David’s Day series of five posts which provided an update on Cynefin.   Keep an eye out here and on social media for an invitation to review the outline and content in our new Haunt for members of the Cynefin Network.

To be clear I am not going to attempt a detailed description of the Stacy Matrix, or the Zimmerman variation.   There is a lot of material on the web and in books; my purpose here is to establish similarities but more importantly differences.  For the sake of clarity I have shown all three below.  

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Rick On the Road: Cynefin Framework versus Stacey Matrix versus network perspectives

Rick On the Road: Cynefin Framework versus Stacey Matrix versus network perspectives | Devops for Growth |


Although the framework, which Stacey had developed in the mid-1990s, regularly crops up in blogs, on websites and during presentations, he no longer sees it as valid and useful.  His comment explains why this is the case, and the implications that this has for his current view of complexity and organizational dynamics.  In essence, he argues that

  • life is complex all the time, not just on those occasions which can be characterized as being “far from certainty” and “far from agreement” …
  • this is because change and stability are inextricably intertwined in the everyday conversational life of the organization …
  • which means that, even in the most ordinary of situations, something unexpected might happen that generates far-reaching and unexpected outcomes …
  • and so, from this perspective, there are no “levels of complexity” …
  • nor levels in human action that might usefully be thought of as a “system”.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

My feeling is that with this approach it might even be possible to link this kind of analysis back to Stacey’s 2x2 matrix. Predictability might be primarily a function of connectedness, and therefore more problematic in larger networks where the number of possible connections is much higher. The possibility of agreement, Stacey’s second dimension, might be further dependent the extent to which actors’ have some individual autonomy within a given network structure.

To be continued…

PS 1:Michael Quinn Patton's book on Developmental Evaluation has a whole chapter on "Distinguishing Simple, Complicated, and Complex". However, I was surprised to find that despite the book's focus on complexity, there was not a single reference in the Index to "networks". There was one example of a network model (Exhibit 5.3) , contrasted with a Linear Program Logic Model..." (Exhibit 5.2) in the chapter on Systems Thinking and Complexity Concepts. [I will elaborate further here]

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Matrice de Stacey — Wikiberal

Matrice de Stacey — Wikiberal | Devops for Growth |

Ralph Stacey a développé un modèle pour aborder des situations complexes dans les paramètres de gestion, connu sous le nom de matrice de Stacey. Les gestionnaires et les leaders des organisations doivent avoir une diversité d'approches pour faire face à la diversité des contextes, d'où l'approche de contingence ou situationnelle[1]. La matrice de Stacey nous exhorte à faire preuve de plus de confiance dans certains domaines que nous comprenons intuitivement mais où il nous manque d'appuis solides (incertitude et désaccords) pour prendre des décisions.


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Cynefin applied to understand scaling Agile

Cynefin applied to understand scaling Agile | Devops for Growth |
During the ScrumDay, InfoQ FR has interviewed Dave Snowden to explain what is Cynefin and how to use it, to describe a freshly introduced concept of 'acceptation', his point of view about "scaling agile" frameworks, and what can Cynefin and narrative bring in enterprise, in order to understand the dynamics of success and failure when deploying Agile at scale.
Mickael Ruau's insight:
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PRINCE2 : la reine des méthodologies de gestion de projet

PRINCE2 : la reine des méthodologies de gestion de projet | Devops for Growth |

Projects in Controlled Environments (plus connue sous le nom de PRINCE2) est la méthodologie de gestion de projet la plus répandue dans le monde, utilisée par des équipes dans plus de 150 pays.

Mais qu'est-ce que la méthode PRINCE2 et pourquoi a-t-elle autant de succès ?

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Prince2 (Projects in Controlled Environments ) est conçue pour des contextes compliqués. Elle vient compléter la boîte à outils d'une vision Cynefin de la gestion de projet. En contexte complexe, Kanban ou une méthode Agile seront plus adaptés.

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Cynefin Applied: Adapting to Changing Contexts

Cynefin Applied: Adapting to Changing Contexts | Devops for Growth |
The book Cynefin: Weaving Sense-Making into the Fabric of our World by Dave Snowden describes the Cynefin framework and explores how it has developed over the years.
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