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[RUP] IBM : lien vers de la documentation - xUP

[RUP] IBM : lien vers de la documentation - xUP | Devops for Growth |
Au vu du nombre de gens qui recherchent de la documentation sur le RUP & ce qui y est associé chez IBM, je vous propose quelques liens vers différentes sources de documents (d'IBM). Je rajouterai au fil de
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Livres Blancs

Liste des redBooks

RationalEdge archives autour d'uml

recherche autour des UC


Le Processus Unifié

J'ai trouvé un site très clair sur UPEDU, une variante simplifiée de RUP, qui permet aussi de comprendre RUP.

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RUP: une méthode agile ?

RUP: une méthode agile ? | Devops for Growth |
Doit-on considèrer le RUP (et plus globalement le Processus Unifié, UP, c’est souvent le débat) comme une méthode agile ? Les points de vue de Kroll, Ambler et Jacobson. Rien que ça !!

Pour ma part, je partage l’avis de Per Kroll :

« So, use a light version of RUP correctly, and it is agile. Way to many use a way too heavy version of RUP, without following the (agile) spirit of RUP… »

Pour l’avoir appliqué il ya quelques années (le RUP) et pour l’avoir adapté chez mon employeur (UP), il me semble aussi que c’est certes une question de mesure mais aussi et avant tout une question d’état d’esprit.

On peut être agile en appliquant UP comme on peut ne pas l’être… d’où la nécessite de bien étudier son contexte, de faire un point sur ses pratiques et ses besoins, d’accompagner le changement en douceur. Ne prendre que ce qu’il faut et appliquer les bons principes… d’autant qu’UP est trés clairement en accord avec les 12 principes de l’Agile Manifesto !
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Enterprise Unified Process (EUP): Strategies for Enterprise Agile

Enterprise Unified Process (EUP): Strategies for Enterprise Agile | Devops for Growth |
The Enterprise Unified ProcessTM (EUP) is an extension to the solution delivery methodologies such as DAD, instantiations of the Unified Process (UP), or even home-grown delivery processes based on Scrum or other agile software methods. Figure 1 depicts the EUP lifecycle. People familiar with DAD or UP can see that the extensions include two new phases, Production and Retirement, and several new disciplines:

Operations and Support
Enterprise Business Modeling
Portfolio Management
Enterprise Architecture
Strategic Reuse
People Management
Enterprise Administration
Software Process Improvement
Mickael Ruau's insight:

EUP Resources:


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The Agile Unified Process (AUP) Home Page

The Agile Unified Process (AUP) Home Page | Devops for Growth |


is a simplified version of the Rational Unified Process (RUP). It describes a simple, easy to understand approach to developing business application software using agile techniques and concepts yet still remaining true to the RUP. I've tried to keep the Agile UP as simple as possible, both in its approach and in its description. The descriptions are simple and to the point, with links to details (on the web) if you want them. The approach applies agile techniques include test driven development (TDD), Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD), agile change management, and database refactoring to improve your productivity.

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Une rétrospective des méthodes agiles

Cette synthèse aborde les caractéristiques du mouvement agile et les principales méthodes qui en découlent. Cette vue d’ensemble est précédée d’une mise en contexte présentant l’évolution du cadre méthodologique de la gestion de projet en ingénierie logicielle, dans le contexte de l’arrivée de l’approche agile. Les méthodes détaillées plus loin sont les méthodes les plus importantes du mouvement agile. Elles sont décrites de manière à fournir un aperçu de leurs caractéristiques spécifiques, sans toutefois entrer dans des détails trop techniques.

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Tips for Business Analysts: What are RUP, EUP, UP, OpenUP, EssUp? | Writing Use Cases

Tips for Business Analysts: What are RUP, EUP, UP, OpenUP, EssUp? | Writing Use Cases | Devops for Growth |

Not everyone agreed that RUP was complete or correct. Scott Ambler in particular discussed a lot of what he thought was missing in the RUP. In 2005, he and his partners released a book called the Enterprise Unified Process or EUP. This book described the missing elements of RUP. In particular, Scott added a fifth phase – maintenance – to the project lifecycle.

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Dynacase Platform — Wikipédia

Dynacase Platform

Dynacase Platform est une Plateforme PHP Open source, sous licence GPL, de Case Management pour la construction d'applications métier. Cette plateforme réunit nativement un système de gestion de contenu d'entreprise (en anglais ECM pour Enterprise Content Management) et de Modélisation de procédure d'entreprise (en anglais BPM pour Business Process Management).

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The Agile Unified Process (AUP) Home Page

The Agile Unified Process (AUP) Home Page | Devops for Growth |

is a simplified version of the Rational Unified Process (RUP).  It describes a simple, easy to understand approach to developing business application software using agile techniques and concepts yet still remaining true to the RUP.  I've tried to keep the Agile UP as simple as possible, both in its approach and in its description.  The descriptions are simple and to the point, with links to details (on the web) if you want them.  The approach applies agile techniques include test driven development (TDD), Agile Model Driven Development (AMDD), agile change management, and database refactoring to improve your productivity.

Mickael Ruau's insight:
Download the AUP Product

The product is an HTML-based description of the Agile UP process. 

Current version: v1.1 May 13, 2006 (510 K zip file)


Download the zip file.Create a directory/folder, e.g. c:\AUP .Copy the zip file into the directory.Unzip file.Click on the index file in your AUP directory to use the product.
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[UP] Avez vous des cours sur UP? - xUP

[UP] Avez vous des cours sur UP? - xUP | Devops for Growth |
est ce que les methodes RUP et UP sont identiques. avez vous des liens ou je peux trouvé la doc sur ses methodes en français parce que je ne trouve pas assez merci
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Dans UP, les disciplines analyse et conception sont séparées.
Dans RUP, elles sont ensemble (ce qui fout la merde selon moi).

UP est gérable pour un cerveau normal.
RUP est devenu un monstre peu utilisable avec des manques de cohérence.

D'ailleurs, Ivar Jacobson a lancé un autre truc plus normal: EssUP pour Essential UP. Son objectif est d'être centré sur des objectifs et pas sur de la paperasserie ou des activités à faire comme un lemming.

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Skinnier RUP | Dr Dobb's

Rethinking Things

The term Agile RUP isn’t an oxymoron—you can streamline RUP if you want to. That said, RUP is far better suited as a base from which to tailor a heavyweight process because it provides a wealth of detailed advice. If you really want an agile process, you may be better served with Extreme Programming, Feature-Driven Development or Dynamic System Development Method; it’s much easier to determine that something’s missing and then add it to a lightweight process than it is to identify procedures (or portions thereof) of a heavyweight process that you don’t need. But if your organization isn’t ready to plunge into agility, merge RUP with agile techniques. You’ll get a process that’s effective and responsive to your stakeholders’ needs—and isn’t that what you really want?
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Recommended Resources
These five articles give more specifics on agile RUP.

Palm-Sized Process by Gary Evans, Software Development, Sept. 2001. This article describes a real-world case study of how RUP was streamlined to be more agile through the adoption of four-week iterations, by adopting Agile Modeling practices that enabled them to model just enough to develop software, and by commandeering a large “war room” with ample whiteboard space.

Agile Modeling and the Unified Process by Scott Ambler. This essay describes how to incorporate the principles and practices of Agile Modeling into RUP.

Xtreme RUP: Lightening Up the Rational Unified Process by Allan Shalloway. This presentation overviews many of the issues you’ll face when trying to agilize RUP. He suggests simplifying project management by adopting XP’s planning game (users define and prioritize requirements, developers estimate them), short iterations, keeping your use cases simple, embracing change, and including stakeholders through development.

RUP vs. XP by Robert Martin. This article compares and contrasts RUP and XP, and then describes dX—an agile tailoring of RUP (also the letters XP upside down). This paper formed the basis for Chapter 7, “dX: The Practices,” of Martin’s latest book, UML for Java Programmers.

Making RUP Agile by Michael Hirsch. This paper describes the author’s experiences with applying RUP on two small projects as well as advice for making RUP more agile. He suggests that you maintain only the artifacts that you really need and to scale down those that you do create. He also suggests that you build a team of experienced people to greatly simplify planning, adopt short (four-week) iterations, provide rapid feedback to stakeholders, and to simplify status reporting by holding meetings instead of writing reports.

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UP et une dose de SCRUM

Le Processus Unifié (UP) et SCRUM partagent une même démarche: itérative, incrémentale, pilotée par les risques, cadencée par le time boxing et par des livraisons fréquentes. Il s’agit de deux Méthodes Agiles, même si pour certaines instanciations d’UP il y a souvent débat et même si SCRUM possède incontestablement plus de légèreté et de dynamisme.…
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A Manager's Introduction to the Rational Unified Process (RUP)

A Manager's Introduction to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) | Devops for Growth |
This white paper overviews the Rational Unified Process (RUP), an evolutionary software development process. The RUP is a prescriptive, well-defined system development process, often used to develop systems based on object and/or component-based technologies. It is based on sound software engineering principles such as taking an iterative, requirements-driven, and architecture-centric approach to software development. It provides several mechanisms, such as relatively short-term iterations with well-defined goals and go/no-go decision points at the end of each phase, to provide management visibility into the development process.

Download: Manager's Introduction to the RUP (321K PDF)

Anyone interested in RUP is very likely also going to be interested in Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD).
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Agile Modeling and the Rational Unified Process (RUP)

Agile Modeling and the Rational Unified Process (RUP) | Devops for Growth |

In this article I explore in detail how AM can be used in conjunction with the various instantiations of the Unified Process (UP), including but not limited to the RUP and the EUP. To do so, I discuss

- See more at:

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Leveraging rup, open up, and pmbok

Presentation by Art English of GreenLine Systems for the Washington DC Chapter of the Project Management Institute
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Evaluating Agile and Scrum with Other Software Methodologies

Evaluating Agile and Scrum with Other Software Methodologies | Devops for Growth |

There are about 55 named software development methods in use, and an even larger number of hybrids.


Some of the development methods include the traditional waterfall approach, various flavors of agile, the Rational Unified Process (RUP), the Team Software Process (TSP), V-Model development, Microsoft Solutions Framework, the Structured Analysis and Design Technique (SADT), Evolutionary Development (EVO), Extreme Programming (XP), PRINCE2, Merise, model-based development, and many more.


The data itself comes from studies with a number of clients who collectively use a wide variety of software methods. The predictions use the author’s proprietary Software Risk Master™ tool which can model all 55 software development methodologies.

Mickael Ruau's insight:

Table 4: Top Methods in 10 Categories


Development schedules

Extreme programming (XP)


Development staffing

Agile/scrum (tied)


Development effort

CMMI/5 spiral


Development costs

CMMI/5 spiral


Defect potentials



Defect removal efficiency (DRE)



Delivered defects



High-severity defects



Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)



Cost of Quality (COQ)


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