AI-powered decision intelligence platform Tellius raises $16M | Decision Intelligence News |

Artificial intelligence-powered 'decision intelligence' platform provider Tellius Inc. is in expansion mode after closing on a $16 million round of funding today...

Whereas BI tends to focus on answering 'what happened-style questions,' decision intelligence goes beyond that to provide more expansive answers, explaining why something happened and how to proceed, Khanna said. 'Answering the toughest business questions is rarely a linear process or doable via a single form of analytics, such as descriptive, diagnostic, predictive or prescriptive analytics,' the CEO added. 'Tellius blends all analytical modes together, making analytics an agile and seamless experience to drive solid business decisions'...

The offering has won over a number of Fortune 500 companies, with Tellius claiming to have customers in verticals ranging from eCommerce, pharmaceutical, banking, financial services and insurance."