Meet Numalis - The First Ever Spellchecker for Calculations | Digital Sovereignty & Cyber Security |

Numalis provides the very first software to validate and optimize numerical accuracy while improving performance

To correct numerical deviations, engineers currently test the same mathematical formula in as many forms as possible to find the best, and then check whether it is sufficiently stable and accurate... but it can be quite a challenge to test everything in a given time frame.
With Numalis, you can automatically detect any calculation issues during the development phase and then select the proposed correction in order to reduce numerical deviation and, consequently, optimize stability and performance.
Embedded Software
From aeronautics to space and defense, numerical stability is a matter of concern. However, manual inquiries require a lot of expertise and a lot of time to be done properly. With Numalis, this expertise is available to anyone, with fast and comprehensive tools helping engineers write safer and more efficient code.
Discover more about our :
  • Constrained dependent optimization
  • System stability improvement
  • Numerical testing techniques