Web Marketing Lessons From Favela Painting TED talk by Haas & Hahn | Curation Revolution | Scoop.it

Lessons From Favela Painting
Artists Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn create community art by painting entire neighborhoods, and involving those who live there. Lessons include:

* Live Where You Work.
* Make sketches and models, SHARE THEM.
* Include everyone.
* If your idea is ridiculously big Easier to get people to go along.

* Let projects grow organically.

* Create feedback loops like BBQ.

* When in doubt crowdfund.

Elements of this TED Talk speak to issues brought up by Joy Ito in his TED Talk - Become A Nowist (http://www.ted.com/talks/joi_ito_want_to_innovate_become_a_now_ist?language=en ).