The Vision Thing - 5 Rules To Create Sticky Vision And Why Important | Curation Revolution |

If your business is on the path to success, it most likely is being managed in accordance with the strong vision of the founder, or a vision collectively agreed to by the management team.


The extent to which a business that actually has a vision for the future, will manage to achieve the articulated vision, depends on many factors ,not the least being communicating the vision in a way that sticks in the mind of all required to work towards its achievement.


This excellent article, discusses a study that identified the best ways to communicate the vision of the business to stakeholders, and suggests five qualities which need to be displayed in communicating the vision.

Marty Note
Great Fast Company Article about how to do the Vision Thing in a sticky way. I relate this article to a favorite book by Dov Seidman. How: Why How We Do Anything Means Everything is a great book in an age where the only thing any company really "owns" is their process and being values driven.

Core values are another key idea. Grow by fellow former P&Ger Jim Stengel is the best book I've read on creating a values based company. This article discusses how to share your vision, processes and values in viral, sticky ways.

Not hard to see why creating shares and a supporting tribe is the game we are all playing now. Can you use specific language and body language to make your Vision Thing stand out? Of course and it is important because it isn't enough to have great process and values these days.

If you don't communicate what your great process means to your customers why your vision thing makes your company more "like me" then the battle is only half won. This article is about winning the communication battle. I would start earlier in the process and make sure you are who you need to be since the Internet is one huge amplifying pool.


Via Daniel Watson, Brian Yanish -, chezmadeline