5 Key Success Factors For Your Strategic Social Media Marketing #ISUM12 | Curation Revolution | Scoop.it

Marty Note
Watching Joey Sargent speak about Social Media Marketing at Raleigh Internet Summit (http://www.internetsummit.com/ ) and she just shared an excellent list of how to make sure your Social Media Marketing is strategic and generating ROI:

5 Critical Success Factors (CSFs) FOr SMM

* Think of SMM as Core (operational integration)

* Cross functional teams (CSR, marketing, sales, product, pr,everyone)

* Centers of excellence
* C Suite Support
* KPIs and Analytics

Centers of Excellence

This is a viral enterprise concept. Here is how Joey defined CoE:

* Offer SMM training
* Monitor team performance.
* Feedback coaching.
* Make recommendations.
* Establish policies and procedures.
* Creates KPIs.

Joey is also touching on SoLoMo, Content Marketing and integrating traditional with social.

LIkes Sports Illustrated's tablet integration with socail: http://ismashphone.com/2009/12/time-inc-demos-sports-illustrated-magazine-tablet.html .

Likes Mercedes-Benz interactive commercials.


Social In Email
Social in employee signature.
Welcome Messages with social.

Thank you with SMM.
Customer Service with SMM.
Include SMM icons on Contact Page on your website.

Personals and Segmentation
Joey is touching on social and segmentation.

Social and Search
"Social does drive SEO." Will see more of your social content influencings the SERPs and driving traffic to your owned properties.

Joey recommends #Scoutmob http://scoutmob.com/ as a SMM success story.

Joey has white papers including Social In The Mix