5 Examples of Companies Innovating with Crowdsourcing | Crowd Funding, Micro-funding, New Approach for Investors - Alternatives to Wall Street | Scoop.it

"The rapid exchange of data needed to maintain competitiveness demands access to multiple, fluid sources of information.  Crowdsourcing helps this happen."


Excerpts, 3 examples:

Anheuser-Busch (AB)– The world’s leading brewer, ...sought customer input to develop a brand more attuned to craft-beer tastes. Development of Black Crown, a golden amber lager, combined a competition between company-brewmasters with consumer suggestions and tastings; this project had more than 25,000 consumer-collaborators.

Coca-Cola– Coke now uses a more open business model, assuming an increasingly prominent position in corporate crowdsourcing. Its open-sourced “Shaping a Better Future” challenge asks entrepreneurs to create improvement-ventures for the project-hubs of youth employment, education, environment and health.

ucts more effectively, once again tying social media to co-creation.  

Unilever– Despite its globally-recognized and respected research staff and facilities, Unilever understands the value of collaboration with innovative partners from outside the firm. It seeks external contributions from anyone with useful input into such diverse project challenges as storing renewable energy, fighting viruses, reducing the quantity of sodium in food, creating cleaning-products that pollute less.

Click the title to see the full list of 5.

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Via Deb Nystrom, REVELN