FOSS Patents: Analysis of 222 smartphone patent assertions: more than 90% go nowhere, rest lacks impact | cross pond high tech |

Based on where things stand now, more than 90% of 222 smartphone patent infringement assertions by major players against other large organizations have gone nowhere, with 109 assertions (49%) having failed (so far) and 93 assertions (42%) having been dropped outside the context of a comprehensive settlement or having suffered a comparably negative fate


Out of the 9% of cases (20 of the 222 assertions) in which liability was established (and not reversed so far, or not before a settlement), only 10 -- 4.5% -- resulted in lasting injunctive relief. And that number would most likely be closer to 3% if, for example, the patents underlying Nokia's German injunctions against HTC had come to judgment in the Federal Patent Court. What's more important than alternative scenarios is that none of the injunctions against the Android operating system itself (including its key apps) had enough impact to force someone into a settlement.