Hello Tomorrow 2016 : #HTSummit in a 3 min Quik video | cross pond high tech | Scoop.it

The Hello Tomorrow Global Summit gathered international leaders in the science-innovation sphere on October 13-14 at the CENTQUATRE in Paris, France. With nearly 3,000 participants, the summit featured a unique blend of amicable atmosphere and deep technologies such as new materials, synthetic biology, artificial intelligence and more.


Leaders from around the world, including executives, (corporate) investors, science entrepreneurs, and startups were there to transform the way we eat, work, travel, cure, manufacture and communicate. There was a wide range of keynotes, panels, AMAs, and breakout sessions, including the following highlights:

  • Powering music with technology, opening performance by Imogen Heap
  • Hello Tomorrow Challenge startup pitches by 69 finalists across two days
  • When innovation fuels the economy, exclusive panel with Michael Bloomberg (CEO of Bloomberg) and Emmanuel Macron(Former French Minister of Economy)


Hello Tomorrow had partnered with major private and public entities to define the scope of this international competition, including the principal partner, BNP Paribas with L’Atelier BNP Paribas, and the Boston Consulting Group, Bloomberg, and La French Tech as global partners.