Coastal Restoration
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Coastal Restoration
Coastal management and restoration of our planet's coastlines with a particular focus on California, Louisiana and the Pacific.  Emphasizing wetland restoration, aspects of agriculture in the coastal plain, fisheries, dealing with coastal hazards, and effective governance.
Curated by PIRatE Lab
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Scooped by Hunter Santana
February 28, 1:21 PM!

Tenerife to declare drought emergency as Spain battles with water shortages | Euronews

Tenerife to declare drought emergency as Spain battles with water shortages | Euronews | Coastal Restoration |
The island is facing months or possibly years of critical water scarcity, experts say.
Hunter Santana's insight:
Water reservoirs in Tenerife, Spain are running low as an ongoing drought continues to affect the region. It is stated this was the "driest winters in [Spanish] history." The city is declaring a state of emergency since the water reservoir has reached a capacity of 32.4 percent as of February 1st.
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Scooped by Ruben Sanchez Ramirez
December 7, 2018 8:06 AM!

NGOs call on EU fisheries ministers to fulfill CFP targets

NGOs call on EU fisheries ministers to fulfill CFP targets | Coastal Restoration |
The Pew Charitable Trusts, Seas At Risk, Oceana and others jointly signed the letter calling for commitments which would see EU fisheries fulfill CFP targets
Ruben Sanchez Ramirez's insight:
They welcome the long-term progress towards more sustainable fisheries which has helped to the enhance profitability of many segments of the European fleet.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
August 29, 2018 7:53 AM!

Scallop war: French and British boats clash in Channel

Scallop war: French and British boats clash in Channel | Coastal Restoration |
Boats are damaged and stones thrown as French and UK fishermen duel in the English Channel.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
June 27, 2018 1:45 PM!

Vineyard Surveying With The WingtraOne Drone

Vineyard Surveying With The WingtraOne Drone | Coastal Restoration |
Vineyard surveying with the WingtraOne drone helps to make better decisions, and possibly even better wine?
PIRatE Lab's insight:
Very interesting assumptions here and scary commentary on our possible future: that a heavily degraded and managed landscape such as a vineyard can be seen as an important region for "wildlife" speaks volumes about the degradation of the surrounding region.  To be sure a vineyard is better than a subdivision per se, but it is not better than a grassland, oak woodland, scrubland, etc.

While better management of these wine resources is great and this drone looks to be an able tool, we should all be wary of "science" when it comes with a pitch for a product.

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Rescooped by PIRatE Lab from WorldClique: The BioSphere; Natural History, Geo-Politics, Science, & Ancient Technology
August 8, 2017 9:01 PM!

Scientists find polluted sea 'dead zone' that's bigger than Wales

Scientists find polluted sea 'dead zone' that's bigger than Wales | Coastal Restoration |
Scientists have found a polluted ‘dead zone’ of ocean that is larger than Wales and the biggest ever recorded in the Gulf of Mexico.

Via ThePlanetaryArchives/BlackHorseMedia - San Francisco
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
June 22, 2016 11:19 AM!

US Navy 'Green Fleet' Fills up with Italian-made Biofuel

US Navy 'Green Fleet' Fills up with Italian-made Biofuel | Coastal Restoration |
Marine engines News Article US Navy 'Green Fleet' Fills up with Italian-made Biofuel
PIRatE Lab's insight:
More and more steady progress in alternative fuels thanks to the largest consumer of oil worldwide: the U.S. Military.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
May 30, 2016 11:59 AM!

Greek Shipping – Still Number One!

Greek Shipping – Still Number One! | Coastal Restoration |
Despite the many domestic and market challenges facing the Hellenic ship owning community, Greece has continued to strengthen |
PIRatE Lab's insight:
This just goes to show the power of inertia and inventory.  Greek economy be dammed, the network of shipping and the tentacles of contracts are slow to respond to short-term economic realities.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 2015 1:48 AM!

Ex ante evaluation of a possible future FPA and protocol between the EU and Kiribati

Ex ante evaluation of a possible future FPA and protocol between the EU and Kiribati | Coastal Restoration |

This report provides an ex post evaluation for the existing Protocol to the Fisheries Partnership Agreement (FPA) between the European Union (EU) and the Republic of Kiribati. The Protocol concerns the access to Kiribati waters of a maximum of 4 purse seiners and 6 surface longliners flying the flag of any EU Member State for fishing of highly migratory species. The evaluation considers the Protocol in terms of its effectiveness, efficiency, economy, coherence and acceptability. It also provides an ex ante evaluation to support the potential negotiation and implementation of a new Protocol. The current Protocol is applicable for 3 years between 16 September 2012 and 15 September 2015.


The total EU minimum financial contribution considered includes annual payments by the EU of EUR 1 325 000 comprising an annual amount for the access to Kiribati fishing zone of EUR 975 000 (74%) for a reference tonnage of 15 000 tonnes and EUR 350 000 (26%) for the support and implementation of Kiribati’s sectoral policy. EU vessels utilising the agreement contribute to the financial transfers to Kiribati budget with
payments of access fees and other contributions towards management costs of the agreement (e.g. observers remunerations) amounting up to a minimum of EUR 1.7 million.



Final report:


 Fisheries - European Commission


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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
October 25, 2014 2:23 AM!

Stormy outlook for long-term ecology studies

Stormy outlook for long-term ecology studies | Coastal Restoration |

In the early months of this year, a series of fierce storms battered Europe's western seaboard. Seabirds struggle to feed in rough water, and some 40,000 of them soon washed up dead on beaches. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency of such storms, so to understand the impact of global warming on ecosystems, we need to analyse the long-term biological impact of these events. Until recently, I was in an excellent position to do this. For more than 40 years, I have studied populations of guillemots on Skomer Island, off the coast of Wales. My research has revealed, for example, that the birds now breed two weeks earlier than they did in the 1970s, probably owing to climate change. This kind of research is not easy. It has taken four decades to accumulate the data necessary to understand how the population works because to do so requires accurate measures of how long adult guillemots live, how many chicks they produce, how old they are when they breed, what proportion of young birds survive to breed and so on. No more. Funding for the project has been axed. As it stands, I have no money to pay a research assistant to help me identify and count exactly how many of the birds have managed to survive the storms. To assess the storms' effects, we need to gather data from the 2015 breeding season to feed into the statistical models we use to calculate survival. It is frustrating that officials chose this moment to terminate our funding, when we have such an important opportunity to assess the vulnerability of seabirds to climate change. Guillemots are one of our most abundant seabirds, and they are excellent indicators of the quality of the marine environment. For example, they are desperately vulnerable to oil pollution, and tens of thousands have died in oil spills such as those resulting from the sinking of the Torrey Canyon (1967) and Erika (1999) oil tankers. Partly as a consequence of such disasters, guillemot numbers have fluctuated widely over the past 80 years….The current focus by the main funding bodies on what they consider economically useful research with a quick return is short-sighted. When my study started in the 1970s, climate change was barely on anyone's radar. The main benefit of long-term studies is that they allow researchers to address problems that no one has yet imagined. If we are to have any hope of conserving species, we need to understand them, and we need to understand the way they are affected by environmental change….

PIRatE Lab's insight:

This is a hard argument to pull off.  Saying "you should keep giving me money" sounds like you are simply being self-serving.  But in these cases, the main investment only really becomes valuable after many years of data collection.


To be sure the value of the spending is not wasted.   Basic research into the dynamics of our planet and the effects of growing human dominance of it are hard to undervalue.

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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
September 11, 2014 12:49 PM!

Agreement between France and the United Nations Environment Programme on the coastal development of Var Department

Agreement between France and the United Nations Environment Programme on the coastal development of Var Department | Coastal Restoration |

On behalf of the French Government, Mr. Xavier sticker, Ambassador for the Environment, signed on 4 September 2014, an agreement with the United Nations Environment Programme/Mediterranean Action Plan (UNEP/MAP) on the coastal zone management of the department of Var.

With this agreement, the Var becomes the first French department of the Mediterranean coast to lay the foundation for a fully integrated coastal zone management program, with the close coordination of all stakeholders: the government departmental services, local authorities, and in particular the General Council, the Conservatoire du Littoral, the Regional Water Agency, the regional environmental Agency, IFREMER, the National Park of Port-Cros as well as the UNEP/MAP, which will provide assistance.

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Rescooped by PIRatE Lab from Oil spills
February 12, 2014 10:46 PM!

New report calls for investigation into effects of oil spills on EU fisheries and the ecosystem

New report calls for investigation into effects of oil spills on EU fisheries and the ecosystem | Coastal Restoration |
THE study, carried out at the University of Aberdeen, found that after initial investigations into oil spills there is not always an assessment of the long term effects on areas such as the ecosystem and marine life.

Via AimForGood
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 29, 2014 6:50 AM!

Louisiana forests being sacrificed to fuel Europe’s biomass boom

Louisiana forests being sacrificed to fuel Europe’s biomass boom | Coastal Restoration |
Environmentalists say swaths of Southeastern woodlands are being cut down for green energy efforts across Atlantic
PIRatE Lab's insight:

Nice.  This falls under the "Rob Peter to save Paul" file.

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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 7, 2013 10:49 AM!

Thousands in UK face another day of flooding

Thousands in UK face another day of flooding | Coastal Restoration |
LONDON (AP) â€" Hundreds of people in Britain mopped up flooded homes on Friday after a powerful storm that scoured northern Europe with hurricane-force gusts kicked up the biggest tidal surge in 60 years, swamping stretches of shoreline.
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Rescooped by PIRatE Lab from Coastal Change: An International Perspective
March 10, 2020 12:56 PM!

Dutch Build Coastal Protection for Less With Nature’s Help

Dutch Build Coastal Protection for Less With Nature’s Help | Coastal Restoration |
The project is the world’s largest experiment in coastal storm and flood defense at a time when climate change is causing seas to rise and storms to intensify.

Via kiki patsch
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Rescooped by PIRatE Lab from Sustainable Procurement News
November 14, 2018 10:20 AM!

Supermarkets to face huge rise in recycling charges under £1billion scheme to slash Britain's plastic waste

Supermarkets to face huge rise in recycling charges under £1billion scheme to slash Britain's plastic waste | Coastal Restoration |

The Government wants supermarkets and other manufacturers and producers to pay more towards the cost of collecting and recycling the estimated 11million tons of package waste produced in the UK. Under a new waste strategy, one option is to increase ‘contributions’ from retailers and producers from £70million a year to between £500million and £1billion. There are also plans to increase the number of companies that contribute from the current 7,000, the Guardian said.

Via EcoVadis
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
August 12, 2018 3:22 PM!

Hundreds of sea potatoes cover Penzance beach

Hundreds of sea potatoes cover Penzance beach | Coastal Restoration |
A walker found the "odd-looking" sea creatures while walking on a Cornish beach.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
May 23, 2018 12:13 PM!

Giant predatory worms from Asia are invading France

Giant predatory worms from Asia are invading France | Coastal Restoration |
It's not every day that an amateur gardener's observations become the subject of scientific study. But one keen-eyed French naturalist named Pierre Gros has managed to alert professional entomologists to a long-ignored giant predatory worm invasion. In a Peer J study published on May 22, "Giant worms chez moi!" zoologist Jean-Lou Justine of the Muséu
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
December 21, 2016 2:34 PM!

Searching for Montenegro's Illegal Blast Fishermen - VICE INTL - VICE Video

VICE Serbia tries to track down the fishermen who use military-grade explosives to catch fish, despite the health risks and environmental damage it causes.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
June 1, 2016 10:39 AM!

Costa Concordia Captain's Sentence Upheld

Costa Concordia Captain's Sentence Upheld | Coastal Restoration |
The prison sentence against the former captain of the Costa Concordia cruise liner for his role in the deadly 2012 shipwreck was
PIRatE Lab's insight:
At least this guys is still in jail...
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
March 11, 2016 11:25 AM!

Bikinis and lifevests: Indelible images from an island shared by tourists, refugees

Bikinis and lifevests: Indelible images from an island shared by tourists, refugees | Coastal Restoration |
Without an end to the wave of people fleeing warfare Syria and elsewhere for a new future, it can be easy to turn a blind eye to the suffering. From the Greek island of Kos, photographer Jörg Brüggemann captured jarring juxtapositions on beaches shared by vacationers and refugees alike.
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 6, 2015 7:56 AM!

Cargo Ship Sinks Off Scotland; 8 Presumed Dead

Cargo Ship Sinks Off Scotland; 8 Presumed Dead | Coastal Restoration |
LONDON (AP) — Eight crew members are presumed dead after a cargo ship capsized and sank north of Scotland.
Rescuers have called off the search for the crew of the Cyprus-registered cement carrier Cemfjord, whose upturned hull was...
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
October 21, 2014 12:15 AM!

Sweden searching for mysterious underwater vessel in its waters

Sweden searching for mysterious underwater vessel in its waters | Coastal Restoration |
Swedish Royal Navy vessels searched for an underwater intruder in the island-studded waters east of Stockholm on Monday after three sightings of a suspicious vessel and media reports of a Russian-language distress signal four days ago.
PIRatE Lab's insight:

Russia's increasingly provocative and aggressive stance towards its neighbors is deeply concerning.

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Rescooped by PIRatE Lab from News on the Fisheries and Aquaculture field
February 21, 2014 12:36 AM!

EU fishermen, scientists to meet on new CFP

EU fishermen, scientists to meet on new CFP | Coastal Restoration | is a leading free international seafood industry resource, providing the latest news, market reports, market analysis, commentary and a comprehensive seafood industry supplier directory.

Via Konstantinos KOKOSIS
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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
February 7, 2014 11:28 PM!

800,000-year-old footprints found in England -- then they washed away

800,000-year-old footprints found in England -- then they washed away | Coastal Restoration |
A team of British scientists have found what they believe to be the oldest human footprints in Europe, dating back at least 800,000 years.
PIRatE Lab's insight:

Another victim of sea level rise/coastal erosion; human history.

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Scooped by PIRatE Lab
January 25, 2014 1:19 PM!

Ghost ship Lyubov Orlova and starving rats headed for land?

Ghost ship Lyubov Orlova and starving rats headed for land? | Coastal Restoration |
The plight of the Lyubov Orlova has grabbed the imagination of the media with its tale of cannibal rats" aboard an abandoned vessel drifting in the north Atlantic -- possibly toward the U.K.
PIRatE Lab's insight:

This ship is probably flooded and sunk by this point.  But it is a great example of many of the challenges we face in coastal and marine management: non-native species dispersal, international flags of convenience, ship breakers, the vagaries of the ocean, surface currents, etc.  Oh, and it has a twitter account with almost 3,000 followers (Lyubov Orlova).


Another post about why this sucker is probably not much of a threat is here:

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