Teachers Experiencing Stress & Back Pain | Chiropractic + Wellness | Scoop.it

Back pain is among the most common physical complication affecting a majority of educators. Whether you’re a preschool teacher or a college professor, injuries or conditions that affect your natural well-being can be prevented or reduced, principally by improving posture and then following through with a variety of health tips to avoid and improve further complications.

Teachers frequently stand for an extended period of time for lectures which can place an additional amount of pressure on the lower back, pelvis, and thighs, often leading to the development of an incorrect posture. Also, prolonged standing on hard surfaces can cause sore feet, swollen legs, and aggravate back pain. Furthermore, sitting down for long periods of time, stooping over children at their desks, and even carrying small children, heavy objects, or paperwork, could cause damage or injury to the muscles and tissues surrounding the spine. Stress can be a huge factor towards a teacher developing mental and physical complications and symptoms, including back pain. Increased levels of stress in teachers can prevent them from getting a good night’s rest, resulting in insomnia that can eventually lead to fatigue due to lack of sleep, triggering physical complications. 

Chiropractic treatment can be utilized by teachers to both treat and prevent spinal complications as well as help decrease levels of stress. Chiropractic care is not frequently used to directly treat stress but a careful realignment of the spine can provide relief and relaxation from many complications and symptoms that can help reduce stress. A chiropractor will also determine the source of the back pain and follow up with a specialized treatment plan to gradually restore an individual’s health. Chiropractic treatment can include spinal adjustments, manual manipulation, and several stretches and exercises to speed up the healing process and promote wellness.