Reducing Pre & Post-Workout Knee Pain | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Individuals with a previous knee injury often describe feeling continuous symptoms for an extended period of time after the original trauma. Fortunately, the majority of knee injuries usually involve minor damage and injury to the ligaments of the knee. Most knee complications that chiropractic doctors and other medical specialists diagnose are often caused by stiffness and soreness that, when left untreated, can eventually lead to further complications on the knee and its surrounding tissues.

Warming up the body before any workout is important to prevent injuries. Before starting a physical activity routine, stretching or simple exercises, such as deep knee bends or knee rolls, help warm up the knees by getting the fluid within them moving and lubricating the cartilage. After the workout, it’s also important to stretch out the knees especially by stretching the quads and IT band. The quads are made up of 4 sections of muscles in the front of the leg and when all these muscles, along with the IT band, are too tight, the knee cap can be unevenly pulled up and down the leg, commonly resulting in injuries such as patellar maltracking syndrome or runner’s knee. 

Chiropractic treatment can also help eliminate pre and post-workout knee soreness. A chiropractor can diagnose the root cause of an individual’s knee pain and symptoms in order to determine the best treatment options for the injury or possible condition. Through chiropractic adjustments and manual manipulation, the chiropractor may help adjust spine misalignments that could be causing knee pain as well.