Use of Holistic Procedures to Assist Veterans | Chiropractic + Wellness |

Healing Heroes of the Heartland held an open house at its offices at 2508 25th St., Rock Island, where many veterans and supporters assembled to discover more information about the non-profit organization. “The organization is devoted to contributing holistic services to heroes,” explained Angel Hong of Milan, doctor of chiropractic and holistic medical director. Holistic services are focused on treating an individual completely, both physically and emotionally.

 Although Healing Heroes in the Heartland inaugurated in 2013, utilizing holistic procedures to help individuals with anxiety, trauma, or pain is not a recent approach. “Three thousand years ago, people had depression,” Hong quoted.

 From individuals curious of the group’s services to supporters who’ve previously benefited from its services, more than 60 people attended the open house event, including soldiers who’ve been referred by doctors.