Why Doctors Are Frustrated With Digital Healthcare | Buzz e-sante | Scoop.it

Doctors are using digital tools and willing to receive data feeds from their customers, but they are quite frustrated by poor usability of digital healthcare tools and difficulty getting measurable results

Common Complaints: 

• EHRs are typically hard to use. Many doctors I know complain of spending several extra hours each day entering data to EHRs. In some practices medical scribes have been added to help with data entry.

• EHRs are often local, island systems that do not provide access to other clinical resources, so doctors need to use multiple systems.

• Patient portals are often a dismal experience. HIPAA has motivated administrators to mandate defensive designs that are often so inconvenient for patients that they are seldom used, which I suppose makes them highly secure.


• Doctors feel they have tons of data available to them, but few tools to use it to make intelligent and timely decisions.

 Read more at http://www.forbes.com/sites/toddhixon/2015/05/28/why-doctors-are-frustrated-with-digital-healthcare/ ;
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