The Social Sickness - INFOGRAPHIC | Business Improvement and Social media |

The Internet has become the building block of information creation and storage in the modern age. It’s a place where we can create websites, publications, blogs, and micro-blogs; then transfer that knowledge to people across the globe.

Social media has become one of the greatest harnessers of this technology and provides us with a multitude of platforms in which to engage and share content. With all of this social media bliss distracting us, sickness has also come knocking.
We have surrendered to the temptation to check our phones every two minutes to see how many likes our Instagram photos have, how many retweets our Twitter account got, and who commented on our Facebook posts...
The characters portrayed in this infographic bring us face-to-face with these tendencies, and shed insight into the types of personalties affected. Whether you’re an unabashed alert-lover, verb creator, or someone who would rather use the “like” button than ever fully engage with your friends ever again — there’s a 'social media sickness' for you.

Via Lauren Moss