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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Arquitecturas digitales del aprendizaje para una educación 4.0!

Qué es un Community Manager y funciones ✚ 2 Plantillas en Excel

Qué es un Community Manager y funciones ✚ 2 Plantillas en Excel | Business Improvement and Social media |
Conviértete en un gran Community Manager ✓ Encuentra sus principales Funciones y cómo sería el Perfil Ideal del Community Manager ✚ 2 Plantillas en Excel

Via Oskar Almazan
Oskar Almazan's curator insight, March 3, 2018 10:28 AM
Tabla de Contenidos [ocultar] ¿Qué es un Community Manager? Habilidades del Community Manager Funciones del Community Manager 5 Consejos para superar el día a día de un Community Manager Responsabilidades de un community manager 15 Herramientas básicas para el Community Manager Consejos para encontrar trabajo de community manager Consejos a la hora de contratar a un community manager ¿Cuánto cobra un community manager?
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Noticias y Recursos Social Media!

¿Cuántos tipos de Community Manager puede haber?

¿Cuántos tipos de Community Manager puede haber? | Business Improvement and Social media |
Trabajar en Social Media, ya sea como Community Manager deja una responsabilidad importante: atender a las necesidades de los usuarios digitales.

Via Sara Osuna, Miguel Gajete
Sara Osuna's curator insight, October 28, 2017 7:00 AM
En el curso Estrategia en Redes Sociales y Community Manager de la @UNED, #FormacionPUNED, aplicaremos los ditintos tipos de Community Manager de forma totalmente adaptada a la realidad cotidiana de cada estudiante.

Independientemente del área profesional o lúdica que realices, es necesario aplicar el trabajo de Community Manager dentro de las Redes Sociales en las que te muevas.

 El curso empieza el 6 de noviembre y ya está abierto el plazo de matriculación. Es un curso eminentemente práctico. Para más información consulta en:

Te esperamos si te interesa este tema. ¡Anímate!
Oskar Almazan's curator insight, October 28, 2017 11:08 AM
Trabajar en Social Media, ya sea como Community Manager o Social Media Manager, deja una responsabilidad importante: atender a las necesidades de los usuarios digitales. Esto ya no sólo implica dar respuestas de forma robótica, si no que va más allá; desde tener muy claro los valores de la marca hasta esclarecer por completo lo que se puede hacer con ella, dando opciones de mejorar para darle proyección al trabajo.
Maltrespuntocero's curator insight, October 28, 2017 12:59 PM
Trabajar las redes sociales de manera correcta es fundamental para posicionarte en el mercado, ya seas una empresa, un medio de comunicación o un periodista individual. Pero el trabajo del Community Manager no se reduce a ir haciendo publicaciones en Twitter y Facebook, sino q se basa en la regularidad y en la interactividad con tu público. Según las necesidades de cada uno, conviene analizar qué tipo de community manager necesitamos para conseguir los objetivos que buscamos.
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

What does a community manager do and what skills do they need? | #DigitalSkills #SocialMedia #ICT #Jobs

What does a community manager do and what skills do they need? | #DigitalSkills #SocialMedia #ICT #Jobs | Business Improvement and Social media |
If you work in social media, explaining your job can be a frustrating experience - especially to family members who probably assume that you just use Facebook all day. 

For Community Managers, in particular, there tends to be a lot of confusion over exactly what the role entails.

To clear things up, I thought I’d delve into the world of community management and find out why it’s becoming increasingly important for brands of all kinds.

Here’s a beginner’s guide.

What does a community manager do?

The role of a community manager is to act as the bridge between a brand and the community it is aiming to create (i.e. a loyal audience or group of core consumers connected by a similar interest). 

They should be the brand’s ambassador, engaging with potential customers and building relationships with existing ones. They are also focused on gauging sentiment around the brand, using social listening tools in order to monitor feedback and engagement.   


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 10, 2017 1:09 PM
If you work in social media, explaining your job can be a frustrating experience - especially to family members who probably assume that you just use Facebook all day. 

For Community Managers, in particular, there tends to be a lot of confusion over exactly what the role entails.

To clear things up, I thought I’d delve into the world of community management and find out why it’s becoming increasingly important for brands of all kinds.

Here’s a beginner’s guide.

What does a community manager do?

The role of a community manager is to act as the bridge between a brand and the community it is aiming to create (i.e. a loyal audience or group of core consumers connected by a similar interest). 

They should be the brand’s ambassador, engaging with potential customers and building relationships with existing ones. They are also focused on gauging sentiment around the brand, using social listening tools in order to monitor feedback and engagement.   


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Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from Arquitecturas digitales del aprendizaje para una educación 4.0!

¿Qué es un Community Manager y cuáles son sus funciones?

¿Qué es un Community Manager y cuáles son sus funciones? | Business Improvement and Social media |
¿Realmente conoces qué es un Community Manager? ✅ Aprende cuáles son las principales funciones del CM, qué herramientas puede utilizar ✚ Consejos para convertirte en un buen CM y cuál es el sueldo de un Community Manager

Via Oskar Almazan
Oskar Almazan's curator insight, March 3, 2018 10:22 AM
Tabla de Contenidos ¿Qué es un community manager? Diferencia entre Social Media Manager y Community Manager ¿Cuáles son las funciones de un community manager? ¿Cuáles son los objetivos de un community manager? Responsabilidades de un community manager ¿Cómo ser un community manager exitoso? Qué habilidades, aptitudes y características que tiene que tener un buen community manager ¿Cómo es el día a día de un community manager? ¿Que hay que estudiar para ser community manager? Herramientas para un community manager imprescindibles ¿Cuánto cobra un community manager?
Rescooped by Ricard Lloria from 21st Century Learning and Teaching!

10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager | #DigitalSkills #SocialMedia #ICT #Jobs

10 Qualities of an Effective Community Manager | #DigitalSkills #SocialMedia #ICT #Jobs | Business Improvement and Social media |
As more companies and more industries buy into the benefits of social media and community development, the number of job opportunities available for professionals with community-building skills also continue to grow.

Companies are looking for professionals who can blend their skills to effectively deliver updates to a community, but also have the ability to tap into that community to collect feedback for a company to use for improving its product or delivering its message.

While the job opportunities grow, so to do the number of professionals who include community skills on their resumes and profiles. On LinkedIn alone, the number of people who have added "Community Management" to their skills list is up 46% year-over-year.

But being a quality community manager goes beyond having the knowledge and background to use social media networks. Here are 10 qualities a community manager should possess to improve the chances of success in the position, according to professionals who work within social media and community today.


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Via Gust MEES
Gust MEES's curator insight, October 10, 2017 4:04 PM
As more companies and more industries buy into the benefits of social media and community development, the number of job opportunities available for professionals with community-building skills also continue to grow.

Companies are looking for professionals who can blend their skills to effectively deliver updates to a community, but also have the ability to tap into that community to collect feedback for a company to use for improving its product or delivering its message.

While the job opportunities grow, so to do the number of professionals who include community skills on their resumes and profiles. On LinkedIn alone, the number of people who have added "Community Management" to their skills list is up 46% year-over-year.

But being a quality community manager goes beyond having the knowledge and background to use social media networks. Here are 10 qualities a community manager should possess to improve the chances of success in the position, according to professionals who work within social media and community today.


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