BuzzFeed Pushing Brands Into Post-Website Era, But There's A Problem | BI Revolution |

"...inspired by the fact that much of the traffic to #TheDress story came from a single tweet, Buzzfeed cofounder Jonah Peretti told SXSW this week that he has his eyes on a much bigger prize: the 18.5 billion impressions available through publishing direct to social media. Video, meanwhile, generated more than one billion views last month—and that's not just on but on YouTube and social media.

Marty Note: The Problem Is...
The problem with finding new ways to use old ideas (interruptions and push) into the social space is efficacy gets destroyed. Brands can take over social and push message and lower connection and content value but to what end. Doesn't that path lead right back to where we are now?

I realize the challenge, but publishers need to read UnSelling by Strattten and Kramer. The book's discussio of active )push) content and media manipulation vs. passive (pull) is worth the pric of admission.

Yes, the problem is how to make a market and UnSelling makes a convincing case that your CONTENT is the way you make a market. Crate great content and people find you. It doesn't matter WHEN you publish it or where. Greatness will out and push be damned.

Via Nicky Moore