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Is a Git Repository a Blockchain? | by Danno Ferrin

tl;dr; It depends on how you define what a blockchain is. But under more general definitions, yes. And under more restrictive definitions, no. Some definitions are more useful than others.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Clearly I think that there is more to a blockchain than just a linked list at internet scale. And for reasons that I can’t quite articulate I don’t think any old Git repository is a blockchain, but you could retrofit one.

But a good formal definition escapes me at this point. There are several things that don’t belong in this definition. First, blockchain is not a brand name of a particular chain. And it doesn’t need to be a distributed ledger, although we are sorely lacking in interesting examples of this. It also doesn’t require a particular proof of work, or proof of stake, or proof of <insert trendy cause>.

What the definition does need to address beyond the contentedness of the blocks are questions of security, consensus (or lack thereof), distribution, propagation, and generation of blocks. And this definition needs to fit in a tweet.

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Des hackers détournent le code source de PHP après s'être infiltrés dans le serveur git interne. Quiconque connaissait le mot de passe secret «zerodium» pouvait exécuter du code sur un site en PHP

Des hackers détournent le code source de PHP après s'être infiltrés dans le serveur git interne. Quiconque connaissait le mot de passe secret «zerodium» pouvait exécuter du code sur un site en PHP | Bonnes Pratiques Web & Cloud |

Un pirate informatique a compromis le serveur utilisé pour distribuer le langage de programmation PHP et a ajouté une porte dérobée au code source qui aurait rendu les sites Web vulnérables à une prise de contrôle complète, ont déclaré des membres du projet open source. Deux mises à jour transmises au serveur PHP Git au cours du week-end ont ajouté une ligne qui, si elle était exécutée par un site Web alimenté par cette version détournée de PHP, aurait permis aux visiteurs sans autorisation d'exécuter le code de leur choix. Les commits malveillants ont donné au code la capacité d'injection de code aux visiteurs qui avaient le mot «zerodium» dans un en-tête HTTP.

Mickael Ruau's insight:


« Alors que l'enquête est toujours en cours, nous avons décidé que le maintien de notre propre infrastructure git est un risque de sécurité inutile, et que nous arrêterons le serveur Au lieu de cela, les référentiels sur GitHub, qui n'étaient auparavant que des miroirs, deviendront canoniques. Cela signifie que les modifications doivent être transmises directement à GitHub plutôt qu'à

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Using the Codeigniter Framework with a Git Project

Using the Codeigniter Framework with a Git Project | Bonnes Pratiques Web & Cloud |

This is a simple way to keep your app project up to date with git while also managing changes to Codeigniter. 

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How to Collaborate On GitHub

How to Collaborate On GitHub | Bonnes Pratiques Web & Cloud |
If you don’t already know, GitHub is an incredibly effective way to collaborate on development projects.
Mickael Ruau's insight:

Utiliser GitHub pour gérer les versions des développements.

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1 git = 1 nft. Home Mint Toolate. Mint famous git repositories before it is Toolate . What is a gitframed ? It is digital art based on git repositories.

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GitNFT | Bonnes Pratiques Web & Cloud |
Autograph and sell your Github commits as NFTs. Support the OS contributors you love ❤️
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7 practical tips to keep your version integration Agile, and avoid wasting precious time and money

We’ve recently had to merge a version branch of a codebase back into the trunk. You see, two teams had been working on mostly separate parts of a system for three months. The result was quite…
Mickael Ruau's insight:
#5: Split up your stylesheets

Stylesheets are often a major pain when merging versions as they tend to grow very large and have to be changed often by different people. Instead of putting your entire style definition in one file, consider splitting your stylesheet into many smaller files. A good strategy is to put your global style elements in a global stylesheet (e.g. ‘global.css’ or ‘common.css’) and your page-specific style elements into separate files (e.g. ‘customerview.css’ or ‘logoff.css’). In the head of your HTML file, you can do something like:

<link href="common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link href="customerview.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

This approach will require you to consider which styles are global and which are page-specific, but it seems to me like this is a good thing to be aware of anyways. There are further advantages:

  • Less bandwith used by visitors: By splitting up your stylesheets, visitors don’t have to download all the style definitions. Instead, they only download what they need. The browser will cache further calls, but the initial download will be quite a bit faster if a combined stylesheet is very large;
  • Easier to maintain: Smaller stylesheets are a lot easier to maintain, as long as they are carefully grouped and split. It’s good to think about how to split up your stylesheets, because it gives you a more abstract understanding of which styles are needed where;
  • Easier to comprehend: Whenever I run into a very big stylesheet, I often feel inclined to just add my style element somewhere at the bottom of the stylesheet (you’re probably doing this as well ;). It takes a lot of time to comprehend the entire stylesheet and find the best place to insert my own style. But this is a bad practice. Smaller stylesheets make it a lot easier to comprehend what’s going on. If you are adding a page-specific style, put it in the page-specific stylesheet. Put your global style elements into your global stylesheet;

If you are using MVC4, make sure to check out the cool new bundling and minification features. You can use this feature to create bundles of stylesheets and script files and also minify them while you’re at it. If you are using WebForms or another framework, you can consider Cassette. But it’s not hard to build your own framework. You can make a common handler like ‘stylesheet.aspx’ that takes the pagename as a parameter. Within the handler, you can load the global css and the page-specific stylesheet(s) and combine them into one file. You can even add your own minification logic. It’s not very hard to do something similar with a StyleController in MVC1, MVC2 or MVC3 or even with HTTP modules.

#6: Split up your script files

Javascript files will often give you headaches comparable to those induced by merging stylesheets. In sticking to the principle of keeping your files small, also consider splitting up your javascript files. Javascript files tend to bloat even more than stylesheets. Instead, put global javascripts in a global.js and page-specific scripts or handlers in page-specific scripts. You can do something like this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="global.js" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="customerview.js" />

The same advantages apply as splitting up your stylesheets. You can also use the MVC4 bundling and minification feature for this or Cassette.

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Code a Simple Github API Webapp using jQuery & Ajax

Code a Simple Github API Webapp using jQuery & Ajax | Bonnes Pratiques Web & Cloud |
In this tutorial, Jake Rocheleau demonstrates how we can build a remote Github api webapp using jQuery and Ajax.
Mickael Ruau's insight:


Live Demo – Download Source Code


Once you start learning the basics of API development the whole process becomes very educational. Pulling data from 3rd party services can offer many new ideas for widgets or content areas in your layout. I do hope that my example can provide a way for developers to understand the process of using an online API. Also feel free to download a sample copy of my source codes and see what else you can learn.

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Scooped by Mickael Ruau!

La révolution des forges logicielles : les 10 règles d'or pour aligner et accélérer vos développements métiers

La flexibilité des applications : clé de l’agilité dans un monde ouvert - Les forges logicielles : enjeux, mythes et réalités - 10 points clés pour industrialiser les développements - Points de vue : OW2, ADULLACT, Marine nationale.



Mickael Ruau's insight:

L’entreprise est au coeur d’une mutation formidable. Les nouvelles règles du jeu : globalisation, focalisation, développement en réseau. C’est pour les organisations une
formidable opportunité. C’est aussi un défi : savoir développer rapidement les nouvelles applications qui leur permettront, demain, de se positionner au mieux dans les nouveaux
écosystèmes métiers.

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