Letting Biodiversity Get Under Our Skin - The Benefits of Biodiversity in Our Homes | BIODIVERSITY IS LIFE  – | Scoop.it

March/April 2013 - UTNE READER

Contrary to conventional wisdom, an overemphasis on cleanliness may be hindering the benefits of biodiversity in our homes.

We live at the crossroads of three global megatrends, three barreling and intertwined juggernauts of modernity. The first is the massive migration of humanity to the world’s cities. By 2050, two-thirds of all humans on Earth will live in urban areas....

The second is the loss of biodiversity. Species are disappearing, both from the places where we live and from the earth as a whole...

And then there’s the third trend—the one that, at first glance, seems not to belong with the others. The prevalence of allergies and chronic inflammatory diseases among urban populations in developed countries has skyrocketed in recent years....

Read more: http://www.utne.com/mind-body/benefits-of-biodiversity-zm0z13mazwil.aspx#ixzz2MSNcSYZb