Be on a mission that doesn't suck | #BetterLeadership |

If you’re job hopping, serially starting companies, or constantly burned out, ask yourself: why is this happening? Chances are, it’s as simple as not being on a mission that you care about. When you’re really doing something you love, stress can actually improve productivity (this isn’t necessarily founded in science, just personal observation), whereas when you’re drudging along, stress compounds an already adverse circumstance.


So what makes a mission that doesn’t suck?


The best missions, it would seem, are those keep you cranking day after day. They’re ambitious, improbable, and fundamentally thrilling. Some of the loftiest are missions that can never quite be fulfilled. Google’s famously is “to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Starbucks wants to “inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.” Whole Foods believes that“companies, like individuals, must assume their share of responsibility as tenants of Planet Earth.”