Ride Against Crime Pictures | Cayo Scoop!  The Ecology of Cayo Culture | Scoop.it

The Ride Against Crime went very well, Saturday morning.  This is going to be a monthly activity, so the police and the community of Cayo can come together to end crime.  Thanks to everyone, civilians, and police officers, that made this happen


"We at the office would like to thank all persons who participated on saturday's ride aganist crime.  The police and the community riding for a great cause. We had atotal of 24 riders, including Officer CommandingOfficer Commanding Community Policing Sr, Supt.Willis, Supt. Moody, Deputy OC Insp. Reymundo Reyes, Sgt Victorin, Sgt Neal, Cpl Valencia, Officers of the community policing San Ignacio Cpl Emil Bradley,PC Jason Jones, PC Roland Augustine, PC Cireaco Medina WPC Reynolds , also several neighbourhood watch committies sent riders,  Special thanks to Mr Marcel Bedran, Ernie Braun, Michael Cyphers and the Cayo neighbourhood watch assocaition for assisting with bikes and t-shirts.  Thanks to Mr Mick Fleming, Bryony Fleming and Chaa Creek.  We are planning it as a monthly ride different locations, its not a race just.  The police and community comming together."